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"Y'know, I don't think you should do this. Midoriya really seems like a nice person." Kirishima gave a worried expression, "he'll be fine. He's a tough boy, can't you see?" He replied.

No One

It had now been on and off days, that had eventually turned into weeks of Izuku, Ochako, Asui, and Shinsou continuously seeing the same group of friends at the cafe, almost every other day.

It was nice, for a while, atleast. They brought in a nice amount of cash, not to mention pleasant tips for the four of them.

The money came by in a breeze, the quad finally having more extra money to do more weekends out, more for the two with mates.

Though, of course, the odd balls of the group have still yet to get along.

Bakugou and Midoriya.

The two quite literally couldn't get along, no matter how many parties or food that attempted to bribe them. It just never worked out.

Atleast, until today. The blonde was forced to come alone to the cafe as an attempt to get to know the greenette better.

Shinsou, Uraraka, and Asui purposely switched up their schedules, just for the convenience of Izuku working a nightshift alone.


"What do you want, blondie?" His sharp gaze looked up, as he was drying a washed coffee mug, blowing his green and black streaked hair out of his face.

"What's with the attitude, huh?" An unamused facial expression wrinkled his face, "that's a lot, especially coming from you." The boy's glare answered for himself, intensifying as the blonde came closer towards the counter.

"Come on, I don't have all day. You fucking want something, don't you? Because every other time we're near eachother, you're yelling my goddamn head off." Izuku turned his back, setting a mug in the opened cabinet.

The taller rolled his eyes, "your shift ends now. It's ten past eleven."

"And, what does that have to do with you? I'm leaving now, I was just cleaning up."

"You don't have anyone to walk home with, let me walk with you. I'm sure it's more dangerous to walk at night alone." Bakugou leaned onto the counter, tilting his head.

"I'll be fine, I can defend myself. Since when did you care about my safety?"

Katsuki scoffed, rolling his eyes as he snarled, "You're so fucking difficult, I'm just trying to relieve the tension between us."

Izuku sighed, hanging up his apron.
"Then, be a dear and change the sign to closed."

Of course, Katsuki did as he said. If his plan were going to go through, he had to attempt to crack open the boy and get on his good side.

"Where do you think you're going?" The blond raised an eyebrow, looking at the shorter male that pushed past him, almost out the door.

"None of your business."

"You're going to the club, aren't you?"

Izuku's eyes widened as his hand was on the push door, looking back as the door soon closed by the lack of his hand keeping it open.

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