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  ⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆


"Ugh, since you'd all prefer being annoying, I'm not cooking tonight. Goodnight." He broke free from Hitoshi's embrace, hearing a mutual groan from everyone while he giggled, walking off into the hallways and to his room. He gently closed it behind him, hopping onto his bed and snuggling himself into a pillow.

What the hell is this feeling? He thought, burying his face deeper into the soft cushions with the awkward flush on his face.

No one

Izuku was currently being dragged out the door by Shinsou and Monoma, whining dramatically the entire time.

"Do I really have to fucking go? I don't wanna see his face, I don't wanna Hitoshi!" He hissed, being dropped to the floor where he sat crossing his arms. He puffed his chest, pouting childishly.

"You literally agreed and promise that you'd give it a try. Don't be such a baby, come on." The alpha replied, standing over and pulling the boy to his feet.

"I change my mind, please. I wanna go watch my favorite show— there's a new episode! Let me rest and do that, 'kay?"
He earned a sigh from the alpha's boyfriend, shaking his head. "You really are some type of loner, maybe a loser."

"Aren't you overdue for an ass beating?" Izuku showed his nails in a clawing manner, perking his ears back as a threat.

"Uh-huh? Come on kitty, let's go." The bright blonde rolled his eyes, pushing the smaller man out the front door as he flashed a smile to the other three that had been waiting.


The five of them looked in awe, eyes wide as they look around the oddly large house they stepped inside of. Are these guys fucking rich or something? It was weird, especially to Izuku. He had never been somewhere so fancy, yet so comfortable.

"I'm glad you could make it! Also, our full pack is here today! I'll introduce you guys!" Kirishima brightly smiled, signaling the five to have a seat on the sofa with them.

His finger pointed to a smaller beta, snugged underneath a taller woman.
"The beta is Jirou, she's very kind. That's her mate, Yaoyorozu, but you can call her Momo or Yao–momo. She's an alpha." The two gave a kind wave, watching the beta awkwardly loosen the embrace.

"That's Sero, next to him is Aoyama. Both of them are omegas."

"Ah, nice to meet you all! This one right here, you're so pretty! Oh, my. You could be a model!" Aoyama sprinted towards Izuku, clasping his hands in each other's while he praised the other's beauty. The discomfort was obvious, but Izuku couldn't help but blush from the sudden praise.

"Don't compliment him too much, he thrives off of his ego." Hitoshi elbowed the boy, shooting a friendly wink. "Have I ever told you how much I hate you?"

"Hey, isn't that the Omega that Katsuki was talking about?" Sero tilted his head, interrupting the two which only made the tension deeper. "Phew, he wasn't lying! He is gorgeous, damn he's lucky," he continued.

Izuku's gritted teeth only made it worse, his ears pinned all the way down as his crossed arms became tighter. The excessive tail wagging, added with the reddened face and lack of eye contact made it better, giving off a cute look.

"Where's your fucking restroom? P-please." He gripped his pants legs tightly, standing up and covering his face with an arm.
"It's upstairs, to the right." The black haired girl giggled, pointing while the rest of them watched the boy hurrying to walk out the room and to the stairs.

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