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"Shit!" The green haired male cursed, as he tripped and spilled a drink. "Gah! You got coffee all over me!" The man screamed. "I am so sorry, sir!" Izuku bowed his head.  "Please, forgive me. I'll for sure make you another drink! It's on the house."

"Horrible service! I'm never coming back here! Especially if I'm served by a twink! Men should not be wearing female attire,"the customer stormed out the cafe. "Fuck you!" Izuku yelled, holding his middle finger up.

"Hmph. Well I thought I looked pretty good in this uniform." He whispered to himself, pouting in annoyance.

"God, I can't tell if I love or hate this job. Shitty customers.."

"Midoriya! Are you okay?!" A small girl with medium length, brown hair asked. She held out her hand and helped Izuku up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Uraraka." He looked down at his clothes, seeing the spilled coffee all over them.

"Dammit. now I need to change clothes." He rolled his eyes. "I think there's some spare clothes in the back." A tall, purple haired, male interrupted. "Thanks, Shinsou," He'd sigh deeply, walking off towards the back of the cafe.



This may seem like a pretty bad day, right? Well, believe it or not, this is actually one of the good days. Now, besides my job, in which seems very shitty right now, shall I introduce myself?

My name is Izuku Midoriya! My dreadful assigned secondary gender is an omega.

Life does utterly suck as an Omega. It's not safe to walk around by myself, Omegas themselves are overall deemed punching bags in this horrible society. And, to make things completely worse, 'That Time of the Month' also exists, which is referred to as heat. It usually lasts for a week, though, the days can vary.

It's been quite a difficult journey being an omega by myself. My mother was very overprotective, but, I don't really have her to protect me anymore. I moved out of my house, (more like kicked out of), for specific reasons. It wasn't really that big of a deal, anyway.

I needed to learn how to be independent and protect myself without relying on other people for my safety.

But, I've found myself a quite reliable group of friends, we've been together since we were small children. We take care of each other, and love each other dearly. It's almost as if they're my own little family. Well, they are better than my own family themselves.

It's been a wonderful adventure with all of them, I look forward to spend atleast the rest of my life with them.

Let's introduce them, yes?

Shinsou is a purple haired male, he's the only alpha in our friend group, or so called pack. He's the dad of the group and he's really good at playing that role! Though, he is quite rude.
I hate how he's so weirdly tall, for no reason at all.

Uraraka, a kind brunette, also an Omega. She's very optimistic and probably the shortest in the group. Or, atleast that's what I tell myself.

My third friend, Asui, or Tsu, a beta. I like her, she's very quiet. Though, she has to be the coolest in our group.

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