Chapter 6: The Sweet Doctor has a Douche Side

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Chapter 6: The Sweet Doctor has a Douche Side

(POV: Charlotte)

I royally fucked. up.

I’ve made a lot of bad decisions in my life. Like that time I decided to stay out all night swimming because the water temperature was just perfect, when I had to do my SAT the next day. Or that time I decided to get a job at McDonalds… ugh, never again. Or that time I decided not to buy any Pokeballs when I reached a town in my run of Pokemon Emerald, and I encountered a shiny electrike, and didn’t have anything to catch it with. That. Sucked.

But I think this is the worst mistake I have ever made. Admitting my feelings, which is something should do, to Dr. Brad

I’m sure he’s rejected me. He’s barely spoken to me for the past week. But he hasn’t requested to leave yet. I’ve even requested a new doctor, but it’s hard now, with the condition I’m in.

You’re probably a bit confused, since as you have just read it’s been a week since I admitted my feelings to Keys, uhh, Dr. Brad. I had passed out, because of all the stress that built up during the days events, and that just sent me over.

My heart slowed down again, and currently it’s just barely pumping enough to keep me out of the danger zone. I’ve barely left my bed this past week. And now I have to be checked 5 times a day, normal times, and then between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner.

And it’s still Dr. Brad checking on me. Like I mentioned, we’ve barely spoken. He only talks to ask how I feel, to breathe in and out, see my wrist, things pertaining to my health. Other than that, he hasn’t spoken.

One thing he does do though is stare at me, with sad eyes. Like he pities me.

I don’t think I’ve ever had such mixed feelings for any person before.

I love him. Yep, I still have feelings for him, and they won’t go away. I want to hit myself anytime I blush when I’m around him. Why?

Because I hate him. He pities me, for loving him. He doesn’t want to tell me anything.

I want to hate him, I want to forget him, and I don’t want to see him anymore. I want to leave. But I miss him. I want to see him, and I want to forgive him.

I want him to forgive me. I want to speak to him again. I don’t care if he doesn’t love me. I just want us to be friends again.

I sat up on my bed when I heard footsteps. I looked over to see Nurse Adrian coming in, with breakfast. He smiled softly. “Hey, Charlotte, how are you feeling?” he asked. I’m glad it wasn’t Dr. Brad coming in.

“Okay,” I lied, felt like shit. He nodded and gently took my wrist to check my pulse. He then listened to my heart.

“I brought you a bagel, please do eat some,” he encouraged, handing me the bagel. I nodded, and took a bite. “Dr. Brad will be here in a couple hours to check on you again. Call if you have any problems.”

I sighed. I had hoped that maybe Dr. Brad would be out today, but alas I will be seeing him and his pitying green eyes.

I finished half the bagel, then set it down, and turned on my XBox 360, to play some Viva Pinata.

I worked on my garden for a bit, and stared sadly at the Chewnicorn that Dr. Brad had helped me get when we were friends. We named it after the combination of our names Cheys.

I decided to get a new Sweet Tooth, since my first one had run away. By the time I finally got one into my garden it was two hours later, because I got side tracked with other pinatas.

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