Chapter 8: Dancing with Death

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Chapter 8: Dancing with Death

(POV: Charlotte)

Most people imagine death as a grim reaper like character. It has a skeleton for a body, and a cloak for apparel, and some sort of scythe with him.

While this Death is really cool, I’ve always imagined Death to look different.

I imagined Death looked like me, or whoever was dying I guess. It looked like a mirror image, but instead they wore a white dress shirt, a black suit, and a black tie. It would have dark shadows under it’s eyes, and carry an umbrella. And always look just sad or serious.

I guess when Death comes to get you, it’s what you imagine death to be.

Death came to me. I was right. She was me. Her reddish brown hair was tied back into a low curly ponytail, and her eyes were dull. The shadows under her eyes made her look old.

She stared at me, and held the umbrella above us, to keep us from getting wet. But it wasn’t raining.

“It’s not raining, you don’t have to hold that umbrella,” I told her.

She responded by setting the umbrella down. She held out her hand, as if for me to take.

I took her hand, and she started to lead me in a dance.

She twirled me around, and lead me in an interesting ance you would see couples do.

Was this Death’s dance?

I think this was Death’s way of welcoming me.

I stopped, I didn’t want to go. “No, please. I don’t want to leave yet.” I protested.

I tried to get out of her grasp, but her grip was so tight. It was like cement bonded us together.

“Let me go, please!” I shouted, kicking at her. Her face remained like it had been, emotionless.

She picked me up, carrying me bridal style, ready to take me away.

“Let me go! I want to be with Keys! I want to swim, I want to live! Please. I can’t die yet! I can’t!” I screamed, breaking into tears.

The tears started a downpour. Since it started raining, Death had to set me down. She grabbed her umbrella, and moved her hand to cup my face gently.

She looked at me with those emotionless eyes, and slowly she started to disappear.

And the world around me faded to white.

I blinked my eyes open. Something felt different. My vision cleared, and Dr. Frost stood above me, stethoscope in hand, listening to my heart.

He noticed I was awake and smiled at me, then turned back. “She’s awake, Dr. Brad,” he stated.

Another figure came over. He came into my point of vision and smiling at me. “Hey, how you feeling?” he asked me.

“I feel… okay,” I actually did feel okay. Different, but okay. I still felt tired, but I could move a bit.

I looked at myself and noticed that I was wearing a hospital gown, and I had a bandage over the area around my heart. What the heck? Was I given a new pacemaker or something?

“I’ll let Dr. Brad tell you what went on, alright, Charlotte?” Dr. Frost asked.

I nodded, I needed answers.

“Okay, see ya later then.” Dr. Frost smiled lightly, and ruffled my hair.

He left, and Keys looked around, as if making sure no one else was there.

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