Brads POV
Ruby started leaning in, bout to kiss my sexy ass self, she doesn't know that I may had gotten someone to kill her farther, the old prick new too much about me, but when I seen that she was happy even without her fucking farther, I new I had to destroy something else that is prescous to her....
She leans in, closes her eyes. I retaliate, im not stupid, and go to kiss her ugly ass back.
I fell something cold and painfull hit my neck, I go to spin around but only to be pinched in the mother fucking jaw....
Pauls POV
I decided to hit the prick in the fucking jaw, he should be gorn for a while. Hopefully.
I look at Ruby, she is balling her eyes out, I hate the Image in front of my eyes right now.
I run uo to her and pull her into a massive bear hug, and started catching the straming tears that roll down her pefect face.Rubys POV
He ran full ball at me when he seen me cry, I try to never cry in public, cuse I try to hide behind my hair, you know, try to not be seen. But knowing that someone actually cares, its a fucking amazing feeling...
He gives me a bear hug before pulling back, catching my salty tears with the pad of his soft figure tips.
"Dont ever worrie, I will always be by your side Ruby Higgins, never ever will I mistreat you, never ever will I tell you that ur ugly, cuse you not, your priceless, perfect, and always always mine, my baby doll, my sweetheart, my true lover. Ruby, never ever leave my stupid, ugly ass self, I woukd not know how to cope without you" he looks me straight in the eye when he says so, he looks away, turning his head down, I try to see what the hell he is doing, and when I do so, I simply cry somemore.
Paul Zimmer is crying, about me. The frigging youtube sensation is crying over a little shit, wow I love him...."Hey, paul stop, babe, come here" I crouch down, meeting his teary eyes. He looks at me then kisses the crap out of me, but this kiss is different, moe meaning full. He asks for entrance by biting my bottom lip, I dont let him though, things could get way out of hand if I do....
I ehimpers and I giggle, not breaking our intence moment, I open my mouth to breath, and Paul dosent waste the moment, he slides his tongue along mine, both in perfect sync, he pickes me up, and I wrap my little legs around his strong torso, he pins me up against the kitchen, he hungrily kisses me, starting to take my black singlet off, he somehow gets it off with one hand, ovestly he has done this before..." he's the school player Rubs, be carefull"
I faintly remember Danny telling me that...He uses people. Stop ruby.
I pull back, no wanting to tell him why.
"S-s-sorry" I studder and jumpdown from his tigh hold, and I piss bolt down the hall way."Ruby! Come back did I do something wrong?! Babe?!" I heard him call, I ignor though, I. Need. To. Run.
"Ruby!!! Stop, im sorry for what ever I did ok! Come back!"he crys, but I let my tears fly cdown my soaked cheeks untill im out of this fucking house.
(A/n: this is super short cuse I just wanted to update

Torn || xoxomaddstarxoxo
RandomRuby finds herself with a selfish boyfriend, a dead father, a stubborn mother, and a great bestfriend who will change her life forever after introducing his roommate Paul Zimmer....