"Shutup and get in the car" I am told by my boyfriend Brad. To be honest I dont even know why I try to have a loving relationship with Brad, he is mean and abuses me all the time, I mean day to day abuse. I have given him so many chances to try and be a better man, and breakup with him but he will beat the shit out of me if I do, again. He not only abuses me physically, but mentality as well. He is acually ripping everything thst I have from my hands, my dad, my future, and most of all my life.
As we drive around town for abut five minutes he reaches his hand across the car and runs his icy fingertips up my legs, to my thigh, just at the top of my demin shorts. Oh no.
"Hey babe, you wanna have some fun?" He slurs, I can tell he is high and drunk, not a god combination especially when there is no escape.
"No thanks, I have classes tomorrow, oh and where are you taking me?" I add in the last bit so he has to focus on my words.
"Somewhere special" he grins a crooked grin "and who gives a fuck about classes,Ruby, baby, your in college, not high school" he laughs at his own attempt at a joke.
"Ha-ha very funny" I roll my eyes at him "can you drop me off here please?" I ask, I don't even knos where the hell we are, but anything is better than being in a car with this creep, who happens to be my boyfriend.
"What did you just say?, did, did you just ask me to get out if the car" he laughs, probably thinking that I can't stand up for myself or fight anyone, especially because of all the time he beat me, nearly to death.
"Yes, I did ask if I could get out of the car, so is it a yes or a no?" I ask, felling a little stronger right now than I was before.
"No, I am taking you somewhere and you want to get out? Why, because your scared" Bread laughs. I am not just scared that he might hurt me, I am terrified.
"Yes I do..... please?" I ask, already knowing the answer, why don't I just jump out of the car and run away from this horrible man, that happens to be sitting next to me in his red truck, going somewhere 'special'.
"Well guess what, you are not getting out of this car, or I will rape you mum! How dose that sound?" He is yelling and sluring all over the place now and to be honest, I woukd much rather die than be here, with him.
I don't say a word as we drive through the dark and misty town of Gloucester. He would try over and over to touch my thigh and hold my hand, but I would simply nudge out of his touch. When we finally stop we arive in front of what looks like a pub, great more alcohol.
"We are here baby girl" he slurs touching my thigh yet again. I am going to regret getting out of the car, I know something bad is going to happen.
As we get out of the car Brad walks over to the big double doors on the side of a massive brick building, it's quite nice really, besides the fact that it is a good damn pub. He walks inside and I am not to far behind him, as we are in the bad side of town, and I don't want to be outside alone. When i walk into the 'pub' Brad is walkig over to a tall elderly man with a big grey beard, a oversized blue jumper on and grey tracksuit pants on that are far to small for him. As I am walking I take in the scenery, it has old brick walls and posters all over the place, most of the of beer or people who are wanted for jail, yay I'm going to die........
I see the man and Brad talking and watch to see if I can figure out what they are saying, but I can't make out the movements of their lips. I watch, and watch to finally see the man give Brad a small brown paper bag..... I hope it's not what I think it is, is it?.
I can now see the old creppy man pointing to me and Brad shaking is head in aprovel. I fell a worm hand on my shoulder and I jerk away t find my bestfriend, thank god.
"Hey Danny" I say and give my bestie a smile.
"Hey Ruby, didn't think i would see you here, what are you a party animal now?" I have known Danny since the start of grade 7, we have been besties since. He is the one I go to when Brad is being a dickhead, which is most of the time, so we know each-other pretty well.
"Guess who I'm here with" I roll my eyes at him, the one who is always so understanding, so kind..
"Noway, your here with that dickhead?" Danny asks and I throw my head back in laughter. We laugh for what seems to be forever and we arecut short of conversion when Brad comes over, as rude as he is he just grabs my arm and practically drags me outside, but I don't what to go outside, I want ot stay with Danny and have a good time.
"Brad no. I don't want to go I am having a good ime with Danny......"
"Who the fuck is Danny?!" He is yelling now and a few seconds after Danny is running outside, by my side, oh how I love my best friend.
"Go away Brad, leave Ruby alone" he strongly says and I stand behind him, hopefully the wont be a fight...
"Who the fuck do you think you are you cockhead, you can't just run outside and be fucking superman and save the day you....."
"Brad don't say that about him, he is my best friend trying to stand up for me, oh and by the way you are the cockhead" I say not even letting him finish his sentence and stand in front of Danny, something I am sure I will regret.
Brad look as if I had grown another head before walking closer.
"Don't call me a cockhead you bitch!" Next thing you know I have been punched in the side of the head by Brad, laying on the curb of a dark road, all I can here is Danny cussing at Brad and then the room goes black........
(Sorry I kinda suck at writing and all but yer oh well :) comment vote ily xxxx ♡ maddy)

Torn || xoxomaddstarxoxo
SonstigesRuby finds herself with a selfish boyfriend, a dead father, a stubborn mother, and a great bestfriend who will change her life forever after introducing his roommate Paul Zimmer....