Pauls POV
"Hey guys it's paul zimmer, I am making this video in hopes that the girl that I will be talking about watches this and know how big of an idiot I am for doing that to you, such a beautiful person, beautiful girl...... I messed up pretty bad and I have no words as to why but im sorry" I stop quickly catch the tear that was abou to fall and continue " if you would give me another chance that would be great and anhway I really need to talk to you, by the way, sorry but I have to tell you this publicly, I really like you and am wanting you to see hiw much I care, ok bye guys" I turn the camera of and hope that my beautiful Ruby will watch that......
I feel like a dumb ass right now, wow I have fallen for this girl pretty god damn hard......
Dannys POV
I had just received a mesage from Paul saying that he had done his video for the week. So I go and watch it since he done it without me, I click on the video and I watch as Paul cry's on tge camera saying how much he loves her, he is one love sick puppy that boy...... I think I should show her......
"Heya Rub's, can I show you something, pretty important, and I just-"
" ok, ok ill watch your little video hahaha" she laughs little video, she is going to be super surprised.......
"Hey guys it's paul zimmer, I am making this video in hopes that the girl I will be talking about watches this and know how much of an idiot I am....." she watches she is staring at the screen blankly and I have a prtty good reason why, she has a soft spot for him too, mabye I should hook them up, but that would be denying my feelings for her......... shit......
Should I just tell her that I have loved her since last year, I know ill write her a song and steal her heart before I die..... I have to......
Rubys POV
Wait, he is talking about me the basted, but its pretty sweet that he went to all that trouble just for good old me, but was I ready to forgive him? Do I love him? Ughhh to complicated!!!!
"Are you ok? Do you need a bear hug or something?" Danny asked I nodded me head a yes and I crawl over to him and sit on his lap and cry into his chest, he grabs my waist eith one hand and strokes my hair with the other in a soothing way..... I love my bestfriend.
we sit there for about an hour before I slowly fall asleep in his arms on my best friend.
I wake up and I am on Dannys lounge with a worm blanket covering me, I can smell something really good, so I get up and follow the delicious smell, and my nose took me to the kitchen, to find a tired Danny, cooking bacon and eggs , damn my nose was good......
"Morning beautiful" danny turns and hugs me, whats up with him today....
"Morning" I smile and return the hug.
Dannys POV
Iwas just about to give her a kiss on the cheek when her phone gose off, I feel like I have been stabed when she says that its paul, he always gets the girl and I just stand there and watch, not with this one I won't.......
Its almost rubys birthday so for her I will do a cover of a love song and give her some flowers or something I think, that is if the doctirs let me do that one thing before I die.....
Rubys POV
Text from paul: hey ruby, I knoe you might not want to talk to me anymore but I need to try and explain what really happened, and ruby I love you ok, I love you more than words can explain, I know that I have dated other girls, but with you its different, everytime i see you I feel like a love sick puppy and I get nervous......... please here me out paul xx
I really want to see him, but I am supposed to be pissed at him, ill see him and be mad him after I tell him I love him then we can go from there, hopefully .
Pauls POV
I feel my phone vibrate next to me, imhave been locked in my room for 2 days now, all because of her .....
I check my phone to find I have a new message.
Text from Ruby: you have a lot of explaining to do mister, meet me at the tree house in an hour, ruby.
Ok now, I need to shower, get dressed, look good, buy a rose, buy a pizza......
Rubys POV
I walk to the tree house in my white dress, that was sll I had that looked nice to wear, and climb up the ladder and find all the fairy lights turned on and a tv and the best thing out of all the gifts was a handsome looking paul woth a red rose and a pizza box in his hand, he was wearing dark wash jeans with a dress shirt and a 'I'm sorry' look on his face, after seeing that my anger disappeared and I ran up and hugged him, I strodled my legs around his waist.
"I'm sorry" I whispered in his ear, and on that he turnd his head in my direction,
"You are not the one that needs to apologies, I am" he said,
"Im sorry my beautiful girl, forgive me?" Hope and nervousness was all you could see in his eyes
"It's ok, but promise me that you will NEVER do it again my boy" I say and he nods him head in aprovel.
He looks me straight in the eye and I am not sure what to expect, I am still hugging him and still hsve my legs around his tight torso.
He leans in with steady eyes as if he were sending a message to me.
Pauls POV
This is it, im gunna do it, ok go.
And on that I kiss her passionately and she widens her eyes from shock, but soon after she closes her eyes and kisses me back, I ask for entrance and she lets me, I slowly rub our tonges together and make the kiss deep and extremely passionate, I grap her thigh and she runs her fingers in my hair making me crazy, if we keep this up I dont know what will happen......
"Paul.......I......I...think you should stop" she said as I started trailing kisses from her lips to her neck .
I stop and she smiles and gives me a quick peck on lips, leaving me for more, and gets down from our hug.
"Thank you" she said,
"What for, I did nothing" I shrug, because I have now clue what this girl is talking about.
"That kiss...." wow I just kjssed her the first time and she was that good at it, damn.
"You have a lot of explaining to do, so get started" she said sitting in one of the beanbags.
(THAT JUST HAPPENED! Hahaha anyway the banner at the top is who I pretty mjch picture the characters to be so ya vote comment ily maddy ♡)

Torn || xoxomaddstarxoxo
RandomRuby finds herself with a selfish boyfriend, a dead father, a stubborn mother, and a great bestfriend who will change her life forever after introducing his roommate Paul Zimmer....