Rubys POV
I havent seen,heard or spoken to paul for 2 weeks, and I think this is the end.
Not just of our relationship, but me...Me and danny have been texting, well, danny has text me and I havent replyed, and he said that Pauls parents are splitting up, and its taking everything to get him to even eat, he just sits in the place where we last spoke.
And me? I've been pooing as manh pills as I can to try and get away from this horred place, the place that I was soon to leave...I think about how I reacted to the whole almost loosing my virginity to a play thing, and I have no idea why I reacted the way I did.
I was fully ready, well I though I was.
I pulled out my brush from my bagpack, living under a bridge is way more fun than it sounds, trust me, iv done it so many times, I pretty much live there 24/7.
I pulled my long brown locks out of my hairband, letting the nkw deflated curly flop around in the wind, not caring about what the hell I look likd, cuse ot woukd match how I feel inside.I try my best to make a bed, I fail, but oh well.
I'm lay down, thinking about how bad I must smell, only living on a little chocolate bad I has in my school bag and not showering for 2 weeks. Ew.As I slowley drift off my phone desides to fucking ring, just great...
I look and imeadtly start shoving shit in my and runing towords the hospital,
I look down rereading making sure I read the fine text correctly, and desided it was
The text onky had a couple of words, but that's all it took
Danneh the potato: get down to the hospital now, its paul.
I finally updated omg ahaha, sorry there has been some stuff happening with me, but oh well

Torn || xoxomaddstarxoxo
RandomRuby finds herself with a selfish boyfriend, a dead father, a stubborn mother, and a great bestfriend who will change her life forever after introducing his roommate Paul Zimmer....