Rubys POV
I dont think I have ever heard anything worse, Danny told me everything, from begining to end, and it was all my fault that he is the way he is now...
Pauls POV
I dont know what the fuck I am supposed to do, Ruby and I havent talked in 2 weeks, mum and dad are splitting up, and I havent been able to vlog for my fans, because I look and feel like shit.
I decide to go for a drive, clear my thoughts.
Why I wanted to drove in the snow was beyond me though, I hate driving in snow.
I buckel up and zoom down the shitty road to the liquor store, I arive and buy a bottle of vodka.
Runing towords my car I sit and remember my emergency stash of shit for whenever this fucked shit happens, I reached down finding exactly what I was looking for, my joint
I chugged down half the bottle and started smoking the amazing drug, feeling stoned and druck, what the actual fuck could make this better..Ruby
I need her here right now, I dont care if we are fighting, I need her to gome her and cuddle, I need to draw littoe circles in her back and tell her how beautiful she really is, to stop worring about her scars and to be bold, never let anyone bring herdown anymore, because I am here, i will always be here for her, never letting her down.
I through the rest of my joint out the widow and gussle a bit more vodka before going to find my beautiful jem.
I put the pedel on the metal, speeding like crazy, not worring about being seen.
I remember the corner near her hows, how slim and sharp it was, and try to slow down, but im too late, the wheels stsrt spining out of control.
I see a tree and .........Rubys POV
Looking at the man I love in a coma Is not the first thing I wanna see when I wake up, I wanns see the man I love happliy laying there, small smirk implanted on his full lips, and me giggling at his ridiculoue s morning hair, but no that is not what I see.
I see a very pale paul zimmer with his hair all over the place, he moves only very little, like when I held his hand, he heald it back.As I realize whats happening I run to the bathroom with my handbag, I cant take it anylonger...
I lock the stall door and grab the orange plastic container out, I chugg every single one, not care in what happened next, life without paul would be utterly painful, him and Danny where the only good things in my life, so why bother anylonger.
I remember this feeling, the vomit rising in my throat, wanting to spit them out and cry, but I kept may cool, and re swallowed them.
I grab the blavk sharpy out of my bag and wright on0n my wrist the tattoo me and Paul where once going to get, and I ran out crying like a baby and drew the same thing on Pauls writs.Dannys POV
I walk in to check up on Paul and Ruby, I left them together about 2 hours ago, to give Rubs the chance to say goodbye, just in case...
But whe I walk in I see ruby laying on the floor, eyes closed and a sharpy in her hand, I rush over to check ner pulse, but I feel nothing, her wrist is covered in writing same as Paul,
I want to grow old with you,
Overcome every obstical,
And be together forevre,
Never parting, never missing,
Im home with you ♥I look at Pauls wrists there is more writing on his
I re read the same message and the seen that there was more writing on his other wrist.Dear Pauly,
I have never been more hapoy then when I was with you,
Never ever did I think that you, the schools player, be
So important to me, but you supprised me again,
We were never likely, the depressed chick that
Sits in the back and the player, but we fited perfectly.
I guess if your reading this your awake, and im not there, because
Well.. because im dead, and im in a better place now, but promise me paul,
Stop treating girls like they are a sack of potatos, and keep your abbs, they
Are really realky hot. Ahaha
Tell Danny I love him and that I coul never of wished for a better bestfriend,
Paul Joseph Zimmer, I love you so so much, never forget that,
♥ you forever Ruby Ann Higgins.I have never felt so alone in my life,
I get interupped Whiping the tears that now soak my cheeks when I hear a noise,BBBBBBBBBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppp
I turn my head and see that paul has no heard beat,
A bunch of doctors and nurses run in and I simply sit in the corner balling my eyes out,I guess Rubys life was always Torn......

Torn || xoxomaddstarxoxo
عشوائيRuby finds herself with a selfish boyfriend, a dead father, a stubborn mother, and a great bestfriend who will change her life forever after introducing his roommate Paul Zimmer....