Amy's Not Dead ⊗ MH

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Request from A03: AU where Amy has some importance/an extended personality beyond just being Alex's gf

She couldn't remember exactly what happened. First everything was normal. She'd been going through some of their junk to clean it out and found a camera. Alex had gotten pissy over answering her simple questions and then...

"And then what?" Amy looked around at the trees. Fragments of her memory slowly pieced themselves together in her mind. "That tall creepy thing in the suit came after us. We ran and I... Did I fall out the window?"

She pursed her lips, trying to remember. Alex had told her to go out the window but... Where had he gone? Did he follow her out? Did he make it out? The blonde looked around, seeing nothing that looked familiar let alone another person. "How'd I end up here anyway?"

Amy collected herself enough to formulate a plan. She could take care of herself just fine and had often been the one responsible for taking care of her boyfriend at times too—even driving down to drag his sorry butt home after his buddies took him out to parties in their earlier college days. All she had to do was pick a direction and she was bound to come across someone, or at the very least a way out.

It was stressful but she'd been camping before so knowing how to avoid backtracking at least made it a little easier. She could also easily make a shelter or fire if needed as well, though she hoped to be out before it got dark—nightfall wasn't far off given the fiery sunset sky above. Amy pulled her cell phone out of her pocket, hoping the gps could help; she also needed to get a hold of Alex and find out if he escaped okay. Maybe he'd know what was going on too.

No such luck. The battery was dead, which was odd. She could've sworn it was fully charged earlier that day. "How long was I out?"

The sky continued to darken rapidly overhead. It was hard to avoid roots and fallen branches as her only source of light faded away. Amy was about to call it a night until she saw a light in the distance. She let out a breath and ran towards it, breaking the tree line and finding herself in a gravel parking lot. Slowing, she took in her surroundings and let out a breath when she saw Alex's car parked nearby.

"But where's he?" She didn't see any sign of him but the car was unlocked with the keys lying on the seat. "That's not right."

Amy turned it on and used the car charger to plug her phone in. The startup screen took an agonizingly long time but finally it turned on. She didn't find any missed calls or messages. The date shot another bolt of alarm through her; she'd lost four days. How on earth had this happened? Why didn't Alex try contacting her? His car was here.

After several failed attempts to call him, she left a message and began driving. She paused at the crossroad that would take her home before shaking her head. No way was she going back there. That... whatever—creature in a suit—might show up again and she wasn't going to risk it. Living out of the car a few days while she got everything together wasn't going to be horrible and it felt safer at the moment.

A few days passed before she returned home, though it was only to grab some necessities. There was still no sign of Alex or that thing but she did have the feeling of being watched. Amy took out a small hatchet and hunting knife to take with her—both from her camping days. With everything she needed and still not finding any sign of her boyfriend, she left once more.

"Whatever's going on, I'm getting to the bottom of it!" She was tired of all this running around and feeling as though she was wandering in the dark.

Getting answers was going to be hard and the road to doing so was long, but she knew she had to start somewhere. As much as she didn't like the idea, that forest was the one lead she had at the moment. What she was going to do once she understood the situation... Well aside from dragging Alex back to explain himself for disappearing on her, she'd have to see when she got to that point.

"Guess I'll be the one saving his ass again."

She had no idea just how many times she'd be doing so once she found him. Lucky for her boyfriend, she wasn't going to put up with him—or herself for that matter—being mind-fucked and stalked. He really didn't know how often she came to his rescue without him realizing it. At first anyway...

Amy had kept her distance when she first found him. He was acting stranger than the day she'd confronted him about the camera. But as she worked to keep that freak with the frowny-face mask away and created diversions to make him keep away from that tall creature when it appeared, she began to see hints of the man she cared for returning. It was never enough for her to reveal herself—her boyfriend was clearly gone—but it was something and it was a way to get the answers she was wanting.

This went on all the way up until she found him dying, his wounds deep and rapidly killing him. His unfocused eyes had widened as she finally showed herself to him and Amy crouched down with a smile on her face. She brought a hand up to caress his face, an uncharacteristic gleam in her eyes; she'd gotten all the answers she needed from him and his friends. "Shhh, everything's going to be okay now." 

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