Rabbits of Fairmont ⊗ EMH

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Request: Something set in the Fairmont iteration

Chores... again. Always with the chores, day after day. There wasn't even a variety and it bored him. He'd rather be doing anything else...

His thoughts drifted off, as did his gaze from the yard work he was doing. There was a warren of rabbits nearby—near the school house specifically. After finding them a few days ago he'd been keeping tabs on the rabbits living there. There were four of them, all docile yet skittish. It wasn't anything against the prey creatures but he did enjoy tormenting them whenever time allowed, watching as they fled for their lives. Oh just wait until he finally caught one...

It was certainly more fun than what he was currently doing.

"Evan." Someone called out his name but he ignored it. When would they learn that wasn't what he liked being called? "Evan come on, we have to finish before lunch."

He shifted his gaze to stare at Vinny while the others continued to work further down. It wasn't that he disliked the guy, but he didn't really want to admit they—and the other two they hung out with—were friends.

A long sigh escaped Vinny's mouth. "HABIT, let's finish this up. Maybe we'll have some free time."

"...Did I ever tell you what I did to one of the nurses, Vin?" His lips quirked upwards at the memory.

"N-no..." Vinny suddenly looked uncomfortable. Evan hadn't told him the story before but the incident was well known.

"It was a work of art." The grin spread wider and he rose to his feet, still needing to look up at the other boy. "Not quite a masterpiece though."

"I don't want to hear about it." Vinny backed away. If this was an attempt to stop nagging about chores, it was working.

Jeff glanced over as well, he was newer around here and clearly on edge about the situation. He was pretty sure the quiet boy had seen some horrible shit, though all Jeff had ever mentioned was that his mother and sister were dead. "...I'd rather not hear it either..."

"You're lucky they don't have you locked up." Vinny muttered, disliking the change in Evan's mood; he always seemed to shift between a calm, friendly demeanor and a sadistic one.

"I've improved." The toothy smile and amused tone as he played with the polaroid camera he'd been given suggested otherwise, as if he was biding his time.

Vinny shared a look with Jeff before walking off to join his friend and leave Evan to his morbid thoughts.


"Gotcha." He pinned the last rabbit beneath his shoe, moonlight gleaming off its large eye before a snap made them go distant and unfocused.

He sat it with the other three and looked at the four with a twisted look. This was going to be his masterpiece. There was still work to be done and only so much time before he was caught. He wasn't allowed any sharp objects or even a pencil after the nurse incident but that wasn't going to stop him. Grabbing the first rabbit he continued his work of tearing and stringing things together.

"Who can catch a rabbit? I can." Another ripping sound before the cracking of bones. "A Voyeur..."

He grabbed the second rabbit and began the same process before displaying it next to the first. "The Guardian..."

The third rabbit soon joined. "A Damsel..."

The fourth rabbit lay untouched still. He paused for a moment, staring off into space before reaching over and picking it up. His work slowed as he took his time with the last one, not wanting to leave out the missing piece. "And the Firebrand."

He stared at his work, admiring the scene. Evan had little idea of what any of those thoughts meant, just that they formed in his mind as he worked. It felt... right, fitting. They wouldn't get it... but he did.


It wouldn't be long before the incident was discovered, which to the three wasn't surprising at all when word got out. Steph was with them when Evan was being marched into the building with blood covering his body. They watched from the window before silently agreeing to checking out what was going to happen to the fourth member of their little group. Given Dr. Corenthal had taken interest in their progress; what happened to Evan could affect what happened to them.

"You don't think it was another nurse, do you?" Steph wondered aloud.

"Do we need to know?" Jeff's glance shifted between them.

Vinny didn't think it mattered either, though admittedly he held a small amount of curiosity. "Doesn't matter, right? We'll still look out for him. That's what we do. If one of us relapses we support them."

One of them nearly always referred to Evan. They had little idea what to do beyond provide moral support but Dr. Corenthal always seemed to know how to help and what exactly the best thing to do was. Of course, Vinny was certain he was one of the better doctors here. Their previous one had done more harm than good, even with his own treatments. The only thing that still remained unchanging was Evan's insistence that he be called HABIT without any explanation beyond it being his mother's nickname for him.

"I think Corenthal's making sure they keep him admitted." Steph whispered.

"I'd hope so."

"Did you hear what happened?" Vinny tried to sound worried about it, disliking his own morbid fascination with his friend's gruesome actions. He didn't like what Evan did, he was just curious about the actions and why Evan would do such a thing.

"Something about a crucifix and rabbits."

The three heard footsteps walking closer and quieted down, hurrying closer to their rooms to avoid being caught. It didn't seem to convince Dr. Corenthal but the man didn't say anything about it. Instead, he got right to the point. Vinny listened quietly as the man spoke about their upcoming plans with the four of them, the progress points they'd have to make before being released. It all sounded like a long road but the man made it sound achievable with his fatherly tone. The most surprising point was the end goal: the four of them going to live with him as a family. It was far off yet, the three looked at each other with excited glances. Leaving this place and still being able to stay together sounded great. 

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