Coffee Shop ⊗ MH x EMH

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A03 Request: Vinny and Tim meet for the first time at a coffee shop and find each other cute

Vinny rarely found time for himself where he didn't feel like HABIT would leap out with some mocking words or some vague direction to point him in saying things would get better. But the coffee shop in town was nice. Peaceful. He could sit at one of the little tables and watch people go about their lives oblivious to the monsters lurking out there. How lucky they were...

Things changed a few days ago. A new guy had been behind the counter with 'Tim' written on his nametag. Vinny couldn't pinpoint what it was about the dark haired man but he found his gaze slipping from the laptop he pretended to work on or the coffee his sipped at to simply stare at the short man while he worked, always quick to look away when dark eyes darted his way as if Tim could sense the stares.

Today was starting out much like the past couple days had been. He ordered and found his usual table, pulled out his laptop, and began people-watching while scrolling every now and then through various notes about the mess HABIT had created of his life. Eyes drifted from the teens laughing over something on their screens to the counter where Tim usually stood to see... He was gone?

"Oh." Disappointment went through him. Maybe he'd gone on break and would come back later.

"Looking for someone?" Tim's voice had already become all too recognizable and when he spoke right next to him Vinny visibly jumped.

"Oh, uh, no. Just spacing out I guess."

Brown eyes bore into him and Tim sat Vinny's order on the table before leaning on the flat surface. He could see right through that lie. "You've been watching me. Who are you?"

Vinny knew well enough what paranoia sounded like. Who was Tim? Besides even more handsome up close apparently. He was glad his beard helped hide the blush on his cheeks.

"Vinny. I just... I come here for coffee a lot." Not a complete lie and the other employees could back up that without hesitation.

"And?" Tim slid into the seat next to him, eyes never breaking contact.

Heat warmed his cheeks and ear tips. "And I might've noticed you're new here... and that you're cute, and stared a few times."

He'd say he wanted to be anywhere but here confessing he's practically been spying on a cute guy, to the cute guy, but he would prefer this for eternity than whatever diabolical scheme HABIT was probably cooking up. Vinny stared at the screen as prismatic screensaver bubbles floated across the otherwise black screen. This guy was going to think he was a complete weirdo and he'd have to find another coffee shop to lurk in.

Tim chuckled next to him. One of relief that momentarily made Vinny wonder what he'd thought the answer would be.

"Sorry." Tim apologized, settling more comfortably in the seat and staring at him with dark eyes that had melted of most suspicion. "I'm new in town... Had some bad history with stalking before so... Can't be too careful. Name's Tim but, uh, you probably knew that with the nametag and everything, huh?"

History of stalking... Instinctively Vinny's mind began to trail back to the early years when he and his friends had been making a joke health channel only for things to actually start stalking and killing them. Surely not... No. Tim? Tim, the man he'd just met. What were the chances?

"Didn't mean to freak you out, I'm not great at spontaneously asking someone out." The last time he'd dated anyone, they died. Not that he could just say that, but it was a good reminder of why he might not want Tim too close. "Admire him from a distance. Keep him safe."

"It's fine." Tim fiddled with Vinny's cup, teeth biting his lip for a moment in thought. "I'll make you a new one, on me. Didn't mean to let it get cold."

And just like that, Tim left his side. Somehow, the air around the table felt colder than the drink probably got after only a few minutes. Vinny watched him remake the order. Had he scared the man off? "Should've just... tried to say anything else."

Barely a minute later and Tim returned with a new drink, steam rising from the hole in the lid. "I have to get back to work but I get off at six. Usually take my breaks at one, for future reference."

Vinny couldn't open his mouth to respond fast enough before Tim was walking away again. Did Tim actually like him back? Confusion ran through him as he spotted Tim staring at him and making a turning motion. He pulled the cup closer and turned it, eyes widening as his heart skipped a beat. A phone number. Tim's phone number.

His gaze sought Tim's again and he swore the man winked as he ran a hand through his hair while turning to respond to his coworker. Vinny couldn't believe his luck actually turned out good.

"Just don't let HABIT find out." He felt giddy despite the risk he was about to take by letting Tim get close. "Tim actually likes me back!"

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