HABIT x Lexx ⊗ EMH x WF

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Request for some fluff between evil/angsty characters 
(characters picked: HABIT from everymanhybrid and Lexx from Whispered Faith)

The entity hummed, the sound almost a growl as it vibrated through his vessel's chest. Another day was winding down and all he had to show for it was a headache from Vinny's whining about not understanding what was happening, why, and how they—as if he was going to help the guy—were going to stop 'all of this'. At least he'd taken care of a few loose ends from his little side game with some of the Rabbits who failed his latest trial. HABIT's teeth gleamed between his lips as he grinned down at his work. Yes, despite the irritation with Vinny there was some fun to his day...

He cleaned off his assortment of weapons and laid them back out on his table, adjusting the 'do not touch' sign before leaving the attic. The bodies could wait if they weren't taken care of by the time he got back. A scowl momentarily crossed his face as his 'cameraman' got underfoot. "Shoo. We're done. Go lurk around Vinny, I'm busy."

The mutated thing shambled off like an oversized pet. He shook his head, though it was the knock at the front door that caused his irritation to vanish. HABIT glanced around, only seeing the few house cats that the previous residence had owned padding around, before heading downstairs and opening it. A sly grin formed on his face as he saw the woman in black standing on the other side.

"You're early." He let her in, sticking close to her side as she walked with purpose to the living room.

"It's better than being late." Lexx smiled back, though on her, it looked dangerous. "That would just be rude."

Normally anyone who spoke to him that way would suffer for it but her... No, something about her had struck a chord in a positive way. In the long run she would probably have to go but for the time being he had allowed himself this one luxury. One thing that he wasn't going to just take apart piece by piece in the most horrid of ways. Lexx was a kindred spirit in the ways of torturing others.

She was elegant, her movements fluid as she sat down on the couch. Her sharp gaze staring past the eyes of his vessel and seemingly into his own. He stared back, mesmerized as always by the story her's told; humans did have it right when they said eyes were the windows to the soul. Lexx's gaze flickered back down to his outfit, a tisk verbalizing her disapproval.

"Oh Honey, you're covered in blood again. At least try to be presentable? Presentation is everything."

"I dunno, seems to leave quite the impression." A cocky expression crossed his face as he settled on the couch next to her. "If you don't like it why don't I just... take it off?"

"Oh, so that's where this night is going." A giggle escaped and she bit her lip. "Didn't think you'd want to with Vinny around."

He considered the insinuation as he removed the offending article—it had gotten rather bloodied and tattered. HABIT tossed it aside and adjusted the t-shirt beneath as he shook his head, turning down the offer. The entity shifted closer, kissing her head and wrapping an arm around her shoulders before speaking. "No, not tonight. It's... been a long week."

HABIT pushed closer, shifting to lie down and rest his head in her lap. If anyone else had seen this moment of submission and weakness he'd flay them. He let his eyes close as he let out a breath. The entity had no need for air but the action tended to just come naturally when possessing vessels. He'd admit, it was a nice stress relief. A hand combing gently through his hair caused a relaxed smile to appear on his features.

Gentle touches filled with genuine care and love were rare for him. When the opportunity for such physical affection came he practically melted into it. A rumbled purr escaped, earning an affectionate laugh from Lexx as she continued playing with his borrowed body's hair—a much safer option than letting her even see his true form. It felt good even if he was merely in a shell.

"I love it when you do that." She murmured, one hand running down from his head to rest on his chest to feel the sound reverberate within his ribcage.

He opened his eyes, keeping them half-lidded. At the comment he'd almost ceased the in-human sound of contentment just to see what she'd do. However, the desire for the contact to continue so that he could relax outweighed his curiosity.

"C'mere." He finally breathed out, reaching a hand up to cup her cheek. His hand brushed some stray hair back as he pulled her closer. His lips brushed against hers and his teeth grazed the skin softly, lipstick likely rubbing off onto his own lips and teeth at the action.

"Worst kiss ever." She teased, playfully swatting at him before wiping off the smudges. "Next time I'll show you how it's done."

"Please do." He hummed in agreement, settling back down into his comfortable spot. "...Talk to me."

"About what Love?"

"Anything. Your voice is... wonderful." Seductive was probably a better term but he was growing weary as the night continued—another consequence of being in an imperfect vessel.

"Wow, a man who'll actually listen. That is something." The sarcasm amused him and she obliged his request. "How did I get so lucky?"

"We'll have to see before I answer that." HABIT closed his eyes again, further letting his guard down as he listened to her tell him about arbitrary things that held no real importance. They'd agreed long ago he wouldn't talk about his plans during unofficial meetings like these and she wouldn't bring up the Speaker.

Drifting off, he knew he'd wake up without her there. It would be like she never was. But their secret meetings would always hold a place in his memories, leaving him eager for the next one. 

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