But First They Must Catch You ⊗ MH x EMH

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A03 Request: More Brian/HABIT

Note: this is sort of a sequel to Get Out While You Can

Being on the run wasn't something Brian was a stranger to. First it had been from Alex and the Operator—back when he thought those were the worst of his problems. But he knew better now. Another entity was out there and this time, it was looking specifically for him. At least the faceless being in the suit hadn't strictly wanted him. HABIT did.

The rain had soaked through his hoodie, another loud rumble reverberated overhead as he splashed along on the side of the road. "It needed washed anyway. I needed a shower too."

He wished he still had a car. However, he'd ran out of gas money a week before. It was a miracle the tank hadn't run out sooner... though it would've been better if it hadn't been in the middle of nowhere. The trees on the other side of the road took his thoughts back to Rosswood; though the park itself was states away, he couldn't help but watch for something unnatural watching within the forest.

Headlights washed over him as a truck turned the corner, water spraying over him as they drove by. Brian paused, grimacing as he watched them drive on without a care in the world. Hugging his arms against his body in an attempt to retain any remaining body heat, he once again continued walking. Eventually he'd have to find a place to rest but even if he found a town he couldn't afford to rent a hotel. He could steal food, as he'd done so plenty of times when he'd been working under the guise of Hoody. But it looked like he'd be sleeping on the ground without any form of shelter from the weather at this rate.

"Just like old times." At least back in Rosswood there were plenty of abandoned structures he could use to keep even a shoddy roof over his head.

Another car zoomed by, speeding despite the downpour. At first he didn't pay it much mind outside the irritation of more water being splashed over him and the buffeting wind threatening to unbalance him. But then he heard tires screech, red brake lights flared to life up ahead. Brian slowed to a halt and watched the vehicle uneasily. Reverse lights came on moments before the car shot back towards him.

Quick on his feet, he got out of the way of the speeding car and moved further into the slippery grass next to the road. He looked at the car again, his stomach lurching as he squinted in disbelief at the driver. Brian hadn't felt fear like this in a long time. His heart was instantly hammering in his chest as he bolted for the otherside of the road, hoping to lose HABIT within the trees where the car couldn't follow.

He heard the engine rev and tires skid as HABIT floored the gas. Once more, headlights fell over him... but not from the car HABIT was driving. His head whipped around in time to see a sizable car barreling down on him. Their horn blared in his ears in warning, though he'd never make it out of the way in time. HABIT's smaller car swerved into their lane, slamming into Brian before taking the other car's front bumper to the passenger's side.

His body flew through the air for a moment before landing and tumbling a few feet. The pain was much worse than when he'd fallen from that ledge. Blood bubbled in his throat as he tried to get up. Through unsteady vision he could see HABIT finishing off the other driver with expert precision. The entity stalked closer and closer while Brian struggled to breathe.

Everything felt like it was either screaming in agony or numb. Neither of which meant anything good. All he could do was lie there helplessly as HABIT closed in. "Guess this is it..."

"Were ya goin' somewhere?" HABIT knelt down, observing the dying man. "Thought we had a good thing going on."

There was too much blood in his throat for him to do much more than gasp and try in vain to cough it out.

A rough hand grabbed his hair, jerking his head up to look HABIT in the eye. "After all I did for you. I saved your life, kept the Stick-in-the-Mud away, gave you a place to stay while you recovered... Even helped you settle an old debt against that fellow who left you to die."

His heart sank. HABIT's voice sounded disappointed but Brian knew better. The entity wasn't hurt at all despite trying to guilt him. No, HABIT was pissed. There was a dangerous glint to the vessel's eye to prove it.

"Rabbits can run all they like but I always catch them." The facade dropped just as Brian knew it would. His eyes rolled up in his head as HABIT slammed it back against the muddy ground; the double-vision going black before tripling as he tried to stay conscious. "Don't worry you might not get to experience all the fun Vin did when I caught him, but we'll get another chance real soon."

Brian didn't know what he was talking about. He didn't know what was really going on at that point anyway. His lungs felt choked and his brain was getting fuzzy. A sharp pain was really the only other thing he registered before everything was gone.

He found himself in the ARK. Brian recognized it. He'd been there before and it was where HABIT first found him. This was different though. Unlike last time where he'd been clinging to life, he was sure he was already dead.

No more chances to escape now.

"I'll give you a head start." HABIT's voice growled out within the dark trees and mist.

Brian spun around in vain searching for the source of the entity's voice. But whenever he thought he'd caught a glimpse of purple eyes or something more monstrous it was gone.

"Run. If I catch you, I will kill you."

It was a promise. Not a real 'if' but more of a 'when'. He swallowed heavily. Brian didn't know if he could feel pain anymore or if he could truly die after being killed already but... he knew it was probable. Somehow. HABIT wouldn't bother otherwise. He wouldn't have let him die on the side of the road if he couldn't do something much worse here.

A rumble rang out through the forest: a low growl of impatience and warning. It was time to go.

Brian bolted. Once again he was trapped playing a game of cat and mouse except he was a rabbit and HABIT a sadistic predator toying with his prey. 

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