HABIT x Alastor (EMH)

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Request for some platonic fluff between evil/angsty characters
(characters picked: HABIT from everymanhybrid and my OC Alastor)

I usually try not to pick OCs for requests but since I got to choose/was inspired to write this scene it just happened. I was also on a HABIT kick so he's back for this one too XD

"You know, you're getting real soft." HABIT stared toward the setting sun, as if daring it to try blinding him. "...If I hadn't heard of it from someone else, I wouldn't believe you ever took out a whole army."

"Tch, maybe I just have different goals." The demon glanced over at the much shorter figure HABIT was currently possessing. "Besides, by the looks of it I'm not the only one getting involved with humans. You're running your little experiment for a better vessel and I'm just..."

There was quiet as he trailed off until HABIT scoffed. "Making a perfect vessel is much different than purposefully settling down with a human."

"You think it's a bad idea?"

"I think it's pointless. Their lives are short and beyond being useful for amusement, aren't really worth sticking around for." A short laugh rumbled out of his throat like a growl. "That's why I've got Rabbits to play with and made a nice little pet out of Vinny."

"I don't know, I find killing them for energy to be dull after all these millenia." He admitted. "Don't know how the Twig does it."

"Try making a game out of it." HABIT nudged his side and laughed. "That'll spice it up. With your powers I bet it'd be fun—if our past tag teams are anything to go by."

"Yeah." Alastor looked back at the dying light, watching as the shadows lengthened and the red light seemed to bath everything in a red tint; it was beautiful. "Or maybe I have gotten sentimental over the ages. Still, rather this than what Zalgo would've caused."

"Wanna hold hands and keep talking about our feelings?" There was a teasing tone of amusement within HABIT's typical growling undertone.

"Very funny." His sharp teeth gleamed in the dying light as he gave a partial smile to humor him. He settled on the ground, waiting for HABIT to sit next to him. "What was it you wanted to talk about, really? You didn't call for me just to give me a lecture on my love-life."

The vessel's eyes flashed with a familiar purple and HABIT shifted his whole body to face the glowing eyed entity. He placed a firm hand on Alastor's arm, his whole demeanor turning serious. "You can't tell anyone, got it? We can't even let Him find out. That stick-in-the-mud would kill both of us."

"He could try." He kept that to himself, clearly this was something important if he wanted to keep it from Twiggy. A more genuine, yet still sharp, smile crossed his face. "Of course. Besides, I don't care much for the twig anyway."

Another breath of silence and then HABIT finally spoke. "I plan to overthrow him. Kill him once I find the right weapon."

"...Wait, that's your big reveal? I know you haven't been agreeing with him over this iteration thing but you could be starting a war." His eyes widened. Alastor held no loyalty to Slenderman but he had come to some form of truce to avoid further fighting between him—he held very little interest in 'ruling' over their realm.

"Can I trust you?"

"Yeah, I... I said I wouldn't tell him."

"No, can I trust you?" HABIT pressed, the dual tone in his voice rumbled.

A laugh escaped him, he couldn't help it. Watching the other entity's eyes dilate with uncertainty didn't help either. "I'm not going to stop you. Go for it. Can't say I'll get involved in the actual fighting but I'm definitely all for getting rid of Him."

"Great." HABIT reached up, grabbing one of Alastor's horns and tugging it as if tussling someone's hair. "Would hate to fight against you—not that I couldn't win."

"Oh, hoho, bold words for a chihuahua." Alastor teasingly shoved him away.

"If I wasn't in a vessel you wouldn't be saying that." HABIT rose to his feet and began walking back to the woods behind them. He gave a wicked smirk as he looked back over his shoulder. "You know, I was going to let you keep your little territory back home but now... After that remark, I might have to relocate you."

"Rude!" He gasped dramatically and got to his feet but didn't follow.

HABIT paused at the edges of the tree line, a small almost undetectable rift shifting before him. He turned to glance back at Alastor. "Don't worry. I wouldn't do that to a friend. Besides, can't have you crashing at my place when your little human-pet kicks it or something."

"Gee, thanks." He brushed some stray black hair from his eyes and turned away. "Let me know how things go with your plan. I'll do what I can to help."

"Shouldn't be much longer." He stepped through the rift. Bonding with other powerful entities didn't always work out—what with all their conflicting goals—but... HABIT had to admit, the friendship that formed the demon was genuinely something he valued. "Now if only Vinny would hurry the fuck up."

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