Helpless ⊗ EMH x MH

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A03 Request: Alex(MH) x HABIT, with a hint of Evan x Alex (MH), hurt/comfort with a pinch of fluff

CW: Most hurt with very warped 'comfort' considering it's coming from HABIT. Warning as well for gore and mentions of cannibalism

"I don't know what to do."

"You think I do? You think anyone does?" Evan spoke quietly, hand lazily combing through Alex's hair.

"I killed my friends... and—"

"And it was because It manipulated you." A glance down where the man was crumpled, hunched so his ear could rest over Evan's heart. "You didn't enjoy it, right?"

"No!" An immediate response full of disgust at the idea he might've taken pleasure in his girlfriend's death or in killing that guy in the tunnel or hunting down Jay, Tim, and Brian.

Evan hushed him, gently rubbing circles on his back through the jacket he wore in an attempt to soothe him. Alex took a moment to settle, eventually lulled back into a more relaxed state listening to the heartbeat and the way the shorter man's hands continued to trace patterns along his back at random. They eventually trailed upward and back into his hair to once more comb through it. A quiet breath escaped as his eyes half closed from the sensation. It had been so long since he'd had contact with anyone like this. He savored every moment.

The pulsing sound of a heart pumping blood picked up until it was racing and pounding in both his ears. The hand in his hair went from the soothing motions in the memory to yanking him up off the floor, wrenching him back into the current reality. A hoarse shout escaped his dry throat.

"Wakey, wakey." HABIT's mocking voice stung worse when it sounded so much like Evan.

But Evan would never speak to him like this. He'd never do this to him.

"I brought you a gift."

Alex grunted as he was pushed back onto the hard ground. Half closed wounds stung as he forced himself to sit up again, dreading what this 'gift' might be. His stomach churned at the mutilated sight before him. It looked like Tim, he'd escaped, it was entirely possible it was Tim. Alex opened his mouth, to say what he wasn't sure himself. A mix of emotions spun around: hatred for Tim for bringing hell upon them yet regret and fear for him was there too. Evan had helped him where he could never have trusted Tim to do and his time before HABIT took over gave Alex back some of his reasoning. Tim didn't deserve to die, none of them did.

HABIT crouched and leaned closer, whispering in his ear with a gruff voice that sounded much too pleased at the reaction he was getting. "You like it? I found him for you... You want him dead, now's your chance."

Tim was alive? Horror stabbed deep in his chest as if he'd physically been stabbed. Alex didn't think anyone could look like that and still be alive. "...Tim?"

A twitch of a finger just barely noticeable and a faint gleam of recognition as dark eyes, or was it just one eye now, looked his way. Alex heaved, bile momentarily overwhelming the coppery stench of blood that had seemed into the room itself. Breaths came out in pants as he choked up more. Alex felt dizzy, battered body swaying.

He wished he was dead. He wished Tim was dead so he didn't have to suffer at HABIT's hands. At least the others were. HABIT couldn't touch them. Perhaps Evan had it worse of all though, being forced to do as HABIT wished with his body without being able to do anything about it. Alex hadn't believed at first that Evan was aware... a short break where HABIT let Evan take over again had swiftly changed his mind on that.

Dry sobs sent pain through his lungs. It was hard to cry when you'd cried yourself to oblivion each night... or day... or whatever time it was when HABIT would finally be done with him for a while.

"Alright, guess I'll do it myself." HABIT snapped impatiently, standing and sending a hefty kick to his ribs as he walked over to grab a knife.

Alex let out a soundless cry as he felt a rib snap like a twig. Agonized coughs left red droplets dotting the floor and leaving the familiar metallic taste on his tongue. Hazily, he watched as HABIT approached Tim. For a moment he believed it'd be over quickly now, surely Tim couldn't survive much longer like that anyway.

Wrong. Oh how many more times was he going to fool himself. Alex couldn't feel the pain but seeing it had him begging HABIT to show some mercy. Hoarse words fell on deaf ears until finally, there was silence.

Alex was balled up and huddling against the wall, unable to look at the worsened sight before him. A hand wet with blood patted his head and he flinched away as HABIT crouched before him. Even without the blood he'd look threatening, now he looked downright terrifying. It reminded Alex of a predator looking at its next easy meal.

A look of apology appeared, the guise so good Alex could almost be fooled that Evan was back. He wasn't though. The way HABIT's lips twitched upward at the edges as if to fight off a grin at his state was enough of a giveaway.

The hand continued to pet his hair like he was a dog, smearing Tim's blood throughout. A numb feeling was taking over him, accepting the disgusting gesture of feigned affection. "Come on, I thought you wanted him dead. I went through all that trouble to get him here."

HABIT shifted closer, practically looming over him as he gripped Alex's jaw and forced the man to look at him. "You got what you wanted. All of them are dead, except Evan but I'm working on it."

"Mno!" His voice was muffled by the harsh grip.

"Stick-in-the-mud had nothing on me, hmm. Unlike It though, I'm open to reason." HABIT's face was inches away now. "But I get the feeling you'll still say no to helping me... Shame, I was prepared to throw you a bone after holding yourself together so long. Fix you up all nice again, like a little pet to fetch when I said so. We could've been great, killing the stick-in-the-mud. But it seems you like suffering, don't you?"

Alex tried to shake his head. He hated both options. Help HABIT and he'd get stuck watching others be put in this same position, slow torturous deaths. While killing the Operator was a tempting proposal... Living under HABIT's command was worse than what the tall entity could ever do. Continue refusing and he'd keep living like this until HABIT grew bored and made Evan watch as he was killed—any hope of reuniting again disappearing forever.

A malicious glint and the fingers in his hair curled tight enough to pull some of his hair out. Teeth grazed at Alex's throat. "I'm going to kill you. Slowly over the coming days. Evan's going to watch as I eat you alive piece by piece, then pick my teeth with what remains of your bones after I'm done crushing them."

The decisive tone made his fate feel so final that Alex didn't doubt the truth of the words. HABIT stood, leaving him with the corpse for the time being. Alex sat there, staring emptily at the floor. Everyone was dead because of him. He'd never see Evan again, he couldn't save Evan from what was about to happen. Alex felt worse knowing that than knowing he was about to die. He wondered if the others who died before him would be waiting to rip him apart again for his crimes...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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