Anger, Tears and a.. Cute little box?

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Taehyung's POV

How could I not be mad? How can he easily said "Yeah sure!" When he knows I dislike Jimin. To top that, he said it out so joyfully.

I was so mad I stormed out of the cafeteria and back to the dorm. I ignored Jungkook who was calling out my name and quicken my pace.

I know I'm overreacting. I know I just had a bad dream and it most probably won't come true. Maybe I am too protective.

But heck, if he thinks he doesn't want those qualities, be with Jimin then. A guy he barely knows while I know him all my life.

I was overthinking. I eventually fell asleep to kill off these thoughts. I wasn't sure how long I was asleep till I felt someone brushing my hair and kissing my forehead.

Obviously it was Jungkook.

I slightly opened my eyes and glance at the wall clock. 5 pm.. So they hung out for 2 hours at the.. Cafeteria. Wow. Okay.

They sure have a lot to talk about even though he just entered our school yesterday. Yes. I repeat, yesterday. Again, yesterday. YESTERDAY. Okay sorry for being annoying. Moving on.

I sarcastically asked Jungkook about his 'Date'

He wanted to have a talk but I shut him off.

I could see tears collecting in his eyes but he was strong enough to hold it back.

I hate doing this but I did so anyway. Reason why?

Since today was a Saturday and Jungkook came up with such a wonderful stay in plan. Movie, pizza, just us snuggling up to each other. It sounded perfect.

My plan was to make him officially mine. For him to be my boyfriend or in this case 'Girlfriend' since Jungkook has more feminine features compared to mine.

The way he likes being pampered and loved. The way he pouts and let's not forget his bunny teeth. Cutest thing ever.

After about 15 minutes of silence, I decided to get up from bed and speak to him who was blankly staring at the wall. His back facing me. I started to hear sobbing and I just couldn't take it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and lay my head on the right side of his shoulder.

"Kookie.. Don't cry. You know that's my weakness"

I shifted his body so he is now facing me. I wiped away his tears, brought his chin up. His eyes was still closed. Refusing to look at me.

"Open your eyes. Look at me"

He slowly did and we lock eyes. Our forehead leaning against each other.

"I overreacted. I'm sorry I followed my emotions too much. But please remember something?"


"If this happens again in the future, please remember that I love you. It's just that sometimes I let my emotions overcloud my judgement"

He nodded and a little smile start to form.

"Looks like somebody is smiling" i playfully said and tickled his toes.

"Tae, stop! You know that's my weak spot. Stopppp"

His giggles start to fill the room and the atmosphere was light once again. I stopped, back hugging him.

It was almost dinner time so I asked..

"Hey Jungkook, it's dinner soon. Let's go to the seaside restaurant"

He looks puzzled.

"Umm what's the occasion?"

I widely grinned and stuck my tongue out.

"Secret. You'll know when we get there. Now come let's get ready and go!"

Both of us wore matching outfits. Sleeveless white shirt overlay with a tropical flower printed outerwear, billabong Bermudas and flip flops.

What Jungkook doesn't know is, a couple days back, I have already requested someone who was working there to plan this surprise with me.

He's a waiter named Seokjin. Jin for short. We are pretty close. I used to work here as a part time waiter too, that's how I got to know Jin.

He's a couple years older, thoughtful and understanding. I entrusted him to hold this cute little box which contain the most valuable thing ever inside it.

Right now, all I hope is for dinner to go well and pray hard that Jungkook would like that "treasure" inside that cute little box.

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