They'll regret kidnapping me

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I wake up with terrible headache. My neck was numb from unnatural position, my vision was foggy. I laid on the cold floor, barely recognized blurred outlines around me.

I slowly stood up, leaned against the wall, moving slowly closer to the door where little light shone from.

"Hallo? Is anybody there?" I tried to shout but I only asked in whisper.

I stopped, tried to ignore the pain and I was thinking what happened. I remembered family dinner, joking with Kol, my new room and then... Damon!

Damn it! I walked to the door. Locked, but I didn't expect anything else.

„Damon!" I screamed his name with anger.

No jokes, no laugh, nothing.

OK, calm down. Breathe. I have to figure out how to escape. I need to find a way out of here!

My eyes adjusted to darkness after several minutes.

I was looking for something useful in the room.

„Ouch!" I said automatically.

On the floor laid the old piece of chair wood and in the end were two nails with my blood stained in it.

I was startled by he sound of the front door, I hid my new weapon behind my back and I stepped back.

„Good morning sleepyhead!" Damon opened heavy door. „How did you sleep?" he smiled at me. „I don't know what do you prefer so I bring you..." he put bag on the floor and pulled out plastic bottle, „human blood," then he pulled out another one and brown-paper bag, „animal blood and hamburger. It's up to you."

I didn't know what to do, I didn't feel strong enough to fight with him.

„Why am I here?"

„I thought you're smarter." he came closer to me, „You're Klaus's daughter."

I clenched my hand around the stick, decided to used it anytime. „You will regret this."

He laughed at my threat: „Why? Hm? Where is your dad when you need him?" he looked around dramatically, „I don't see him saving you."

"As soon as he find out that I am not home, he will come." I was convincing myself it's true.

Please let it be true...

"Well I am not sure. Its been a couple of hours." He looked deep into my eyes and waited on my reaction.

I hit him as strongest as I could, I felt smell of blood and until he recovered I ran out of the room.

I had no idea which direction to run but after a few meters he hit me to my back and I fell down on the floor. I quickly stood up and paralyzed him with spell.

Now or never!

I ran farther down the hall and finally saw front door. In a hurry I didn't even noticed Stefan and I bumped into him with all my strength. He pulled me along with him. I paralyzed him as I paralyzed Damon, but then my head spun, sending the world around me in dark circles.


"Are you insane?!"  

"Calm down, I just wanted to talk to her."  

"So you poisoned her and locked her in a dungeon?"

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