[1] Prologue

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It's been six months. The only one he had seen was Technoblade, and even he was just trying to use him. Why did everyone think he could revive dead people? What do they mean Ghostbur? What happened to L'Manburg? And most importantly, why did Sapnap say that?

"If I ever find you out of here, alive, I'll kill you. Slowly. If you value your life, don't ever try to get out. I will find you."

His own best friend? Why? Everything was horrible. Everyone hated him. The worst thing- he didn't remember anything. Ever since L'Manburg got its freedom, his mind had been foggy. He remembered little parts, none enough to make sense.

"You have a visitor," rang a voice. George. Another one of his best friends, now making sure he remained in the mini hell they liked to call a 'prison'. They even had lava as one of the walls, for some reason. It made the cell unnecessarily hot, reminding him even more of the nether than the deep obsidian walls that kept him caged, like a rabid animal.

Not a rabid. A rabid would've been put down. He didn't have that privilege.

The door opened and a man was pushed in. As soon as the man had stumbled in he fell to the floor. The door quickly shut behind, leaving no time for an attempt to escape.

The prisoner gazed curiously at his visitor, who was now awkwardly crouching on the floor.

In his time in the cell, he only had three visitors. They were pretty regular and came around once a week. Two of them helped restrain him while the third one tortured him. Needless to say, he was intrigued by the other man's presence. He hadn't seen a friendly face in way too long.

Solitary confinement wasn't exactly a plan by the prison guards. It was just that no one wanted to visit him. He understood that, considering he made everyone's life awful. Still, he didn't remember doing it. So, it hurt to think that his friends never even bothered to leave a message, let alone visit him.

"Um... hi. I'm Ranboo," the man said, still crouching. "You probably haven't heard of me, or you have, I kind of interacted with you in New L'Manberg once, and you almost exiled me–"

"Before you say anything else, I just want to clarify that I didn't do it on purpose. I don't remember anything, and... I'm sorry."

Ranboo looked up to the prisoner. He was staring at the ground. This teen just came to visit him, just to remind him about how he has escaped the bad– no, don't think like that.

"I'm not sure if we have met. I'm Clay," said the prisoner, extending a hand out for the teenager to shake. He hesitantly shook it.

"To be honest, I'm not too sure either, heh. I'm Ranboo- oh wait, I already told you that, oh no..."

Clay chuckled at this response, letting go of the hand. He liked the kid, he seemed nice.

"It's fine, it's fine. Why are you here?" Clay asked. Ranboo stood up to answer but stopped as Clay stared at him in amazement. Ranboo shook his head- being 6"7' often got him such reactions. He was used to it.

"Sorry, got distracted. Why are you here?" He tried again.

This time Ranboo leaned a little against a wall, folded his hands and sighed. "I'm here to-" he looks at the door cautiously, then leans closer. Clay leans in too.

"I'm here to get you out."


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