[20] Calling In The Hour Of Need, But You Never Asked Me For Help

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Thank you so much YuriMidnight and EcholllChime for help with editing and beta reading!!

I know i said I'll post this soon but a lot has happened since then and now I'm fully done with exams!! Plus I'm new to the whole beta reading thing so it's tough to coordinate the whole thing. I hope you guys enjoy it!!!

Tommy had lived in a state of constant war for the past decade. He knew the ins and outs of war, pain, and, most importantly, strategy.

Needless to say, he had already realised that Technoblade had a strategy.

He was steering them further and further away from home. Wilbur and Tommy lived in a well-placed cottage, not too close, but not too far away from their crowd of friends. It was in a location with a warm, cozy climate.

It was sunrise now and the air kept getting colder when it should've been getting warmer.

Not to mention, this was unknown territory. This was not on the lands of the SMP.

Tommy said nothing.

It took some time before Techno slowed down. Tommy was almost grateful, he could tell that his horse was tired from the journey. He noticed that their stopping point was far from the snow peaks that held Techno's home in the distance. Was this a safe base? Or just a casual stop? Knowing Techno, it was the former.

"Why are we here, Techno?"

Technoblade turned around slowly. He had gotten off his horse and was slowly petting her. The horse nudged her muzzle in his hand, so he brought a golden apple to her mouth. Techno fed one apple to Tommy's horse as well, which he reluctantly allowed.

"No reason."

Tommy stared at him in disbelief. What the hell?!

"No reas- we were doing something important back there! "

"You were doing something dangerous back there. And I didn't want you there."

Tommy's distrust faded... a little.

"Like you care about any of our well-being. Remember the pit? "

"Remember when you called me about Wilbur? "

Tommy remained silent.

"That's right," Techno said. "You may not completely trust me, but you do know that I'm your best option for handling this. And before you say another word about Dream, he just got his memories back, do you really think he's a reliable source of information?"

"I think he's-" Tommy stopped. What was he going to say, he is a reliable source of information? He was a better source than Techno anyway? Both were lies. Techno was right; Tommy may not fully trust Techno, but he was the best he had at the moment. Other than Dream himself, the only people who would know the depths of the folklore behind such items were Philza, Technoblade, and maybe Wilbur.

"I think he doesn't have any reason to lie to me. I can't say the same for you," that was the sentence that Tommy finally settled on.

"I'll tell you why, " Techno said. He inched forward, tilting his head enough in a condescending manner. "Dream is so big on rule-following, but Dream's own strategy is breaking one of the server's only rules."

Tommy hesitated.

"You don't even know his plan," he said cautiously.

"Don't I? There is only one thing he can do. The nerd accepted the Book as if it was a gift from God, not a curse from the Overlords. He didn't know shit then, he doesn't know shit now. Not nearly as much as he should, at least. All he's gonna do is get himself killed."

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