[8] Tubbo Buries His Head In Some Deep Snow

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An eyebrow raise from Ranboo. Eret looked him in the eyes, face grim,

"More specifically, you and your family are in danger."



Ranboo's communicator made a loud noise but he paid no heed to it. All he could do was sit there in silence. His family was in danger? He couldn't help but look at the ceiling, past which was his son's room.

The teen felt his chest grow heavier. His heart was beating faster than ever. Soon enough, he couldn't bear to sit anymore. Ranboo shot out of his seating and was standing over Eret within seconds. He put his hands on the armrests, leaner close to Eret's face, and spoke in a low voice,


Eret was shaking in his seat now. He didn't even feel like this around Dream, let alone a sweetheart like Ranboo.

"I asked you something, Eret."

He gulped.

"I- I'm sorry Ran, I don't understand what you're asking. Who what?"

Ranboo's eyes flared at this question. It seemed like all the sweet attitude was thrown out of the window when it came to his beloved husband and his beloved child.


"Who dares to even think of hurting my child? My husband?

"Listen, ran-"

"No, you listen. You can't just barge into my house, threaten my family and sit there like you don't know what I'm talking about!

"I'm not threatening anyone!" Eret shouted with a shrill voice. "It's a warning, because I know someone else who threatens your safety. Please believe me Ranboo, I love you all like my own... it hurts to even think of harming you!"

Ranboo flared his nostrils. He stared at Eret for a few seconds, his red and green eyes piercing his soul. Then, he slowly backed away from the chair and sat down on the sofa.

Eret took a deep breath. He tried to calm his racing heart while observing his companion. Ranboo's anger seemed strong but contained. Eret decided to speak his part before Ranboo unleashed his wrath again. They'd rather not face his dark side again, no, thank you.

"Sam and Quacktiy plan to visit you soon. They would ask you more about what happened back at the prison and in the house... and if they find out anything they don't like, it won't end well.

"Look mate, I'm just here to make you relax, soften the blow in the way. And find any new information that I can, seeing as I'm good with kids. They thought I'd be the perfect candidate. I was warned not to alert you of their visit beforehand, but that alone seemed suspicious. Please, I just want everything to be okay."

As if on cue, entered the ones which would make the situation not okay


Tubbo was tapping away on his communicator as clay walked next to him. He had tried peeking, but Tubbo hid the screen before Clay could read. After a few minutes of keeping his silence, Clay decided to cure his curiosity.

"What are you doing?" he asked, peeking again. Tubbo pulled the device away and replaced it with a knife.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Dream," he taunted lightheartedly, lazily waving the knife in the man's direction.

"Satisfaction brought it back," he shrugged innocently. Tubbo looked up at him to glare. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sending a message to Ranboo to warn him of our arrival. If there is anyone at home, bringing you back there wouldn't be wise."

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