[19] Well, Well, Well, Would You Look At That! A Breakdown!

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whoa, a new update, this soon? pog!!! ah well, today was my biology exam [went pogchamp btw haha] and my parents allowed me a 2-day break before they started to grill me about studies again, so for the time being, I'm back!! yay!!! I'll try to post as much as I can haha, hopefully, I'll progress this story a bit ahead haha!!

special thanks to @EcholllChime for being my beta reader!! it was fun to work with you, and I hope you liked it!!


Everyone turned towards Ranboo. His eyes held a fire forbidding even to the nether lords.

"Ranboo -"

"Absolutely not."

"Listen to me, It's the only way! " Dream asserted.

"No, it isn't, there has to be another way"


"I'll find another way-" Ranboo's refrain was brought to a halt by Dream's shout.

"Ranboo, stop!"

"No! I can't let you do this. Not... not you too, Dream. I've lost enough, I am not losing you! This is absolutely stupid"

Dream sighed. "Ran..."

"We- we haven't explored The End yet, maybe there's some answers there? Yeah! I mean think about it, the Ender Dragon is so strong, she'll destroy this in like 1 breath-"

"There's a reason why I haven't allowed anyone to go to The End. The server would collapse!" he shouted again. He didn't get it, he just explained this! Why was Ranboo being so adamant?

"Then let's do it, man. Who cares?" Ranboo blinked furiously, not wanting painful tears to slip down his face. Dream was still not done.

"I can't sanction that--"

"You can't sanction shit, Dream," Tubbo interjected.

Ranboo kept glaring at Dream.

"Ranboo..." Dream began. "You are going to destroy a whole server to save one person. This place has so much history, so many friendships, home--"

"-Trauma, enemies, hatred," Tommy completed. "It's not all good, Dream. Not to mention, possession of weird books... If you're not there, how would I know if I should destroy my How To Sex books?" Dream laughed, but bowed his head in an apology.

"Tommy, I've hurt you so much."

"And you have given me memories to cherish. Yeah, I fuckin hated you at some point, but you weren't all bad, Dream. I could see something was off, and now, I know what it was. you don't deserve to die, Dream."

"You can't go to the end without me, and I won't rip your home away from you. I won't snatch the bright futures of so many kids on this server like I did yours," said Dream. He turned to Ranboo.

"Take care of them. And give some extra love to Michael from me, won't ya?"

Ranboo nodded, tears spilling from his eyes. His black skin sizzled and burned. Dream silently wiped tears away, hoping that his cool fingers would soothe the burns. The teenager broke out of the current seating arrangement and hugged him tightly.

Dream tried his best to soothe the boy, but it only served as the reminder that Ranboo would never experience a hug from Dream ever again. They had been like brothers once before, after all. They just didn't remember it. Another family that the Book Of Revival had put to ruin.

Dream put the book away to hug Ranboo properly. Tommy grabbed it and inspected it with morbid interest. It was a beautiful book, no doubt. The sleek black hard cover, with two gold lines framing the left edge of the cover. The spine had runes embossed on it in the same gold. On close inspection, Tommy realised it was real gold. 'Whoa,' he thought. 'Better not let Michael see it,' he thought jokingly. Then he realised what he was holding. Michael won't ever see it, gold accents or not.

He realised just how messed up everything was. Dream was talking about killing himself, and he was trying to soothe them about it. He noticed how Tubbo was also trying to help Ranboo calm down...

"Hey, hey, it's okay, Ran... I'm here, I'm here."

"But, but you won't be. N-not any- not anymore."

Surely this would be enough, right?

"Shh... I'm here right now."

It had to be enough.

"It will be okay."

He had to do this, he had had enough.



"Yeah?" Tommy turned around. Ranboo was standing right in front of him, looking distraught. He will be worse when I'm done. Oh big man. Tommy snuck the book in his inventory and hugged him tightly. Ranboo hugged back, holding on as if Tommy would disappear.

He could feel Dream staring. Dream knew.

"Tommy-" Dream began, but he was interrupted. The sound became louder and louder. Someone was coming.

Who the hell was out this late?

"Theseus!" called out a voice. It was Technoblade! Of course it was Technoblade. Ranboo broke the hug, looking outside in confusion.

"Theseus, we need to go. It's Wilbur."

Tommy did not let Techno finish his warning. Instead, he hugged Ranboo once again, then Tubbo, then Dream. Oh yes, Dream definitely knew.

He walked towards his beloved horse and climbed on its back, grabbing the reins of the animal. He nodded at Technoblade to lead the way. Just as he was starting, Dream spoke.

"Hey, Tommy!" he called out. Tommy turned the horse to face him.

"Be careful," he advised. His eyes spoke the message loud and clear, but he said it out loud anyway. Wait for our message. I have a plan.

Yeah, a shit plan. Tommy still hoped that the 'plan' was not the one he mentioned before. Tommy nodded and rushed away after Technoblade.

Dream, Tubbo and Ranboo stood outside, eyes still fixed on the clearing from which they left. Dream nudged them all back inside. "Come on, he said, tearing his gaze away. "I'll make us all coffee."

there will be more soon, it was just more appropriate to end this one here, for a smooth transition. thanks! hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

please comment, I'd love to know your opinions on the story so far!!! it is coming to a close, finally, and I'm so excited but so scared about what I will do next haha. still, comments, please! I think you will like the ending I have planned. :)

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