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AS A THANK you for all the love you have been showing Affluenza, I thought I would answer a few questions about the book. You guys are so awesome and I love that you love Affluenza even just a little bit as much as I do!

The inspiration behind Affluenza is sort of weird, to be honest. It was during the first or second month of quarantine and I'd just found out about the extremely talented artist Conan Gray. I was listening to his album and watching all of his music videos and that's when I saw the music video for "Wish You Were Sober." At around two minutes into that video, there's a part where he falls out of the window in a room full of people. I thought to myself, "wow, none of those people even care that he just fell out of a window like that??"
At some point, falling out of a window at a party turned into standing at the edge of a balcony, and I had the first premise of what Affluenza would be. The idea of someone being so broken and in such a bad place and having no one to be there for them was so gut-wrenching that I needed to write about it. The idea of it being someone who had all that he could ever want—cars, and girls, and way too much money—hurt even more.
It seemed only fitting that the actual song "Affluenza" by Conan Gray should be added to the story's playlist, though the book wasn't actually inspired by that particular song but instead, "Wish You Were Sober."

I have about four answers to this question. In no particular order, my favorites are Sebastian, Hiro, Oba, and Devin.
Sebastian was such a fun character to write. He had all of these complexities and so much depth to him. I was never bored of his character, never unsure of what he would say or do. I had a good grasp of who he was and what he stood for. It was completely heartbreaking to write his death, but more on that later.
I. Love. Hiro. He was a plot twist that was added pretty late into writing the book and I'm so glad that I did. Hiro is such a fun, bubbly character, and writing him put such a huge smile on my face. I love his bond with Braylen, how the two find solace in one another after the death of their father. And let's face it, Hiro is just plain adorable.
Oba is a character I've loved since chapter one. With Braylen's backstory, it felt right to have such a kindhearted soul that stood by him through thick and thin. She's a mother to Braylen and in writing her I wanted Oba to be everything a good parent should be. Kind, supportive, accepting, and simply good.
Devin was a character that sort of crept up on me later in the book. I'd initially written him to be sort of a bad friend, but as I continued writing the story all I could see was how hard Devin tried to be a good person. For Robyn, Sebastian, and even Braylen later down the line. He's also responsible for one of my favorite quotes in the book.

"Whether you prefer boobs or balls is none of my business."

I have so many answers to this question! I love the chapter "Ash's Bash" as well as the chapter after it called "Realization." The action, the emotion, and the moments between Seb and B during those chapters mean so much to me! It's such a vulnerable moment for Braylen especially, to realize that someone he might love is hurt in front of him. I'm a sucker for that trope, I can't lie.
I'm also super in love with the last interlude from Braylen. The astronomy reference is some of my favorite writing, ever! The interludes were so refreshing and fun to write and I loved how they all tied into the end of the epilogue with Braylen at Berkeley.

Quick spoiler alert for those who haven't read The Notes (and if you haven't, wyd?!). There's a subtle hint to The Notes in the chapter "Size Thirteen in Men's." When Sebastian is telling Braylen about his first kiss with a boy, he mentions that he met him on a trip to South Carolina and that the boy was named Cody. This same Cody was introduced as Dustin's boyfriend in the chapter "Philosophical Elliot Ploy" in The Notes. Did you catch it?

Immediately when I thought up Affluenza, I knew that Sebastian would die at the end. Whenever I write books, it's usually with an idea for the beginning and an idea for the ending. What I figure out, later on, is how to get from point A to point B. In writing this story, I knew it would begin with Sebastian's attempt and Braylen stepping in and end with Sebastian's death after the Ball.
What I didn't expect, however, was how deeply I fell for Sebastian as well. Writing from Braylen's perspective, I fell so in love with his character. He felt like an extension of me, as all my characters do, and there was nothing more that I wanted than to give him the happy ending he deserved. I wanted this so much so that I begin planning out alternate endings. Endings where they just broke up, and Sebastian didn't die. None of them fit correctly. None of them made this book feel like it meant something.
Sebastian died at the end because that's what happens sometimes. As much as it pained me to do, I felt it was necessary. In so much media we see a false portrayal of depression, where it is magically fixed by a lover and a good relationship and that is simply never the case. I wanted to tell a story that rarely gets told, one that was heartbreaking and sad but also meaningful and happy at the same time. Even though it hurt me to do so.
To seek help, call your local suicide hotline or the national one. Please, ask for help. You don't have to go through anything alone.


I lovE you all so much! Thank you for all the Votes, comments, and kind messAges! It truly meaNs the world to mE. Don't heSitate to reach out if you have any questions or conCerns about anything at all. My mEssages are always opeN. OnCe again, thank you for your support! This is just the bEginning!

If you have any more questions that I didn't answer, I'd love to answer them! comment them down below!

ily, stay safe my darlings


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