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        DEVIN AND HUNTER stare at Sebastian and me with horrified expressions

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DEVIN AND HUNTER stare at Sebastian and me with horrified expressions. My knees buckle as I try to carry his weight, but I know I can't fall, not like this, not with him in my arms. "Braylen!"

I turn and see Robyn and Hayley running up to me, their faces worried. "What happened?" Robyn asks, helping me support Sebastian's weight. Everyone else follows suit, grabbing a limb to keep him off the ground.

"When Devin and I got out here they were smashing his head into the brick," I mumble, voice breathless. "This won't help with his concussion. He could have serious brain damage."

Devin looks up at me with raised eyebrows. "How'd you know he had a concussion if you two weren't talking?"

"Small school, Devin," Robyn groans, and I thank her in my mind. It would sound pathetic if I told everyone I'd been keeping tabs on him. "We have to get him out of here. To the hospital."

Sebastian stirs in my arms, eyes fluttering open. My arms are supporting his back and shoulders, making his face directly under mine. "Braylen." His voice sounded surprised.

"Yeah, it's me. It's okay; we're taking you to a doctor."

Panic flashes on his face and he breaks from everyone's grip, standing up wobbly. I keep my hand against his shoulder and waist, supplying him as he stands. "N-no, I-I can't go. I'd g-get in trouble."

"Dude, you're stuttering. I don't think that's good," Hunter mutters, green eyes wide with fear.

"I'm f-f-fine," Sebastian gets out. "I'm okay." I glance back down at him as nervousness claws up my throat. He reaches up and finds my hand, squeezing it once. "I'm fine."

"What do you want to do?" Devin asks, looking at me. I wasn't sure who'd died and made me Sebastian's spokesperson.

I gnaw on my lip. "Oba!" Robyn says, smiling widely. The group looks at her in confusion. "Braylen's aunt is a doctor. She can check him out."

"She's a heart surgeon. She wouldn't know much about this," I mumble. "But I guess it's worth a shot."

Hayley nods, nodding towards me. "Seems like a good idea. So what's the plan?

I stick my tongue out in thought. "Hayls, you'll drive Robyn to mine, Devin and Hunter will follow you in their cars. I'll drive Sebastian in his."

"Got it. I'll pull the car around," Hayley says and then walks away, glancing back once more before disappearing into the school.

Hunter whistles lowly. "How'd you swing that, little man?"

I barely even hear him. I'm too focused on the shimmery sheen of sweat on Sebastian's forehead, the way his eyes flutter in between open and shut. "Help me carry him to his car. Sebastian, where are your keys?"

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