Sebastian v. Braylen

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        MY FEET CRUNCH on the familiar stone ground of the school

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        MY FEET CRUNCH on the familiar stone ground of the school. I glance up at its name chiseled in stone from years prior. Malibu Preparatory Academy.

        I would have never been able to go here without my aunt, financial aid, and a massive scholarship. Oba is an alumnus and a doctor, so she basically had the twins covered for when they would arrive next year. But when she found out I was staying with her indefinitely, she made sure that I would be taken care of. And so, like all the kids I grew up going to school with, we ended up here. At the most prestigious school in all of Malibu.

        It was rustic and reminded me of Hogwarts more than a regular high school. Instead of robes, we wore slacks, vests, blazers, and ties, and such. I'd of course been dress coded far too many times for switching things up; wearing the same outfit got way too boring.

        "Senior year. Crazy," Robyn says, looping her arm through mine. I look down at her and suck my lip into a pout. "Oh, stop it, Bray! I said I was sorry. The sex was really good, in case you were wondering."

        I roll my eyes and turn away from her, nodding my head at a few students who smiled at me. There was a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew it had nothing to do with school beginning again and everything to do with Sebastian Grey.

        It'd been a few days since the balcony situation. We hadn't spoken since the silent car ride back home where I was scolded and grounded for one day. It was supposed to be more but Oba wanted to see a chick-flick that Monday night and I was the only one willing to go.

        I knew he was okay. He posted nonstop on Instagram. Him at the beach with half-naked girls, him smoking with Devin and Hunter, his best friends. He seemed fine.

        But then again, Sebastian had always seemed fine. I was the only one who knew he really wasn't.

        As we walk through the halls away from the bustling square, Robyn sighs. "Fine! You win. I hate the silent treatment. Café after school? I'll buy your coffee."

        "And a croissant?" I add, raising my brows.

        "Cheese or chocolate?" she asks. I grin and pull her into a hug. "Yeah, yeah. Now you love me. So what happened at this party after I left?"

        I blush. "Nothing, really. I met a girl. Hayley. She said she'd text me back but she hasn't." It wasn't all a lie. I did meet Hayley and she hasn't texted me back. For some reason, I wasn't as upset about that as I would be normally.

        "What? Why not? You're hot, Braylen. And I mean that in the most sisterly way possible."

        I chuckle. Finding girls wasn't hard for me but my relationships never lasted. There was just always something missing. "Shut up. You're the only girl I need, Robs."

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