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        I WAKE UP to the sound of beeping

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        I WAKE UP to the sound of beeping. My eyes blink subconsciously for a few seconds as I take in the crisp white sheet that adorned my body and the IV drip up my arm. I go to rip it out when a hand loops around my wrist, stopping me.

        "Not so fast," Sebastian says with a smirk. His blue eyes are as bright as ever though surrounded by dark purple and black bruises. "I'm no doctor but I wouldn't recommend unstabbing yourself."

        I sigh deeply and my body aches from the action. Sebastian notices the movement and leans forward more, ready to help in case I'm hurt. I keep my breaths shallow instead. "I don't think 'unstabbing' is a word."

        "How is it possible that you can still be sarcastic on your deathbed?" he asks, shaking his head at me.

        A small smile forms on my lips. "So...how long have I been out?"

        "All night," Sebastian murmurs. "Happy New Year, by the way. It's five in the morning."

        I raise an eyebrow. "Five? You should be sleeping!"

        "I will once I know you're okay. How do you feel?" he asks.

        "Like I got the crap beaten out of me," I mumble and Sebastian laughs. "Everyone's okay?"

        Sebastian nods. "Everyone's all good. They left a couple of hours ago to get some shuteye. Devin practically had to drag Robyn out, though. He had a bit of a harder time getting rid of me."

         "Clearly. So. What's the damage?" I ask as I brace myself for the answer.

         Sebastian licks his bottom lip that looked as if it'd been bleeding not too long ago. "Well. Good news is that when Aaron shot that gun, it wasn't with a target. He won't get in trouble for bringing it to the party which sucks, but everyone mostly assumes it was for recreational purposes only."

         "A gun at a party is considered recreational now? What's next, a sword at the movies?"

        Sebastian shrugs. "The fact that it's New Year's helped. Everyone shoots guns to celebrate, apparently. But given that, there shouldn't be much investigation into what went down. So we're all clear on that, at least."

        I nod, gnawing on my bottom lip. "You said good news. Am I to assume there's bad?"

        Sebastian runs a hand through his messy hair and sighs. "A few badly bruised ribs, bruised spine, broken finger, and a mild concussion," he continues. "And to top it all off, a very angry boyfriend."

        I swallow. "Uh-oh."

        "Braylen, why would you ever think it's a good idea to run into a room with a bunch of meatheads, one of them holding a gun?" Sebastian spews, face contorting in anger. "You could've gotten yourself killed!"

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