Mashed Potatoes and Music Rooms

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        I STARE AT the brown door leading to Sebastian's house, feeling the coolness of the night on my skin

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I STARE AT the brown door leading to Sebastian's house, feeling the coolness of the night on my skin. It was Friday. I'd narrowly avoided Sebastian every day this week. Seeing him reminded him how much I liked him and I couldn't do that because I wasn't supposed to like him like that and Hayley and I are still seeing each other.

I know he noticed my distance but he didn't push me to talk about it. I was grateful and also slightly angry. If he asked me, I would've told him. I would've spilled everything and possibly ruined everything, but it would've been off of my chest, out of my soul. But he didn't. So I couldn't.

I stare at the door again and sigh. I couldn't bring myself to knock, but I couldn't bring myself to walk away either. I lick my lips, glancing from the door to my bike. And then back to the door. And then the bike.

I jump at the sound of a trash can being pulled out and I find myself looking directly at Sebastian.

His hair was messy and there were still bruises all over his tanned skin, but seeing him was enough to make my heart race. His arms were sticking out of his black t-shirt, showing every muscle and perfect ridge of his skin. I sighed softly. "Hi."

He quirks an eyebrow up. "Hi."

I realize I probably looked insane just standing at his door and chuckle nervously. "I was going to knock."

Sebastian leans onto the trash can, nodding. "Clearly," he says sarcastically, a smug grin appearing on his face. It disappears almost immediately. "You've been avoiding me."

"Yeah," I mumble. No use denying it now.

He nods again but painfully, setting his jaw. "Did I do something wrong?"

I step towards him, eyes widening. "What? Sebastian, no.'s me, not you. I just had some stuff I had to work through."

"'It's me, not you,' huh?" He looks away from me and pushes the trash can to the end of the street. When he's done he wipes his hands on his jeans, standing in front of me and giving me his full attention. "You could've talked to me about whatever you were going through."

"I know. I thought about it...more than once, actually," I admit. "I'm sorry."

Sebastian shrugs, crossing his arms. "I'm not angry with you, Brayls."

I smile at the name. "Good. Because once you're all better I will be expecting my swimming lessons to commence."

"The water will be cold," he warns, but he's smiling too. "I'm really sorry about everything. I should've never shut you out all this time, I should've never argued with you that day a couple of months ago. And I definitely shouldn't have scared you like that on the roof. I'm an idiot."

I shrug. "It's part of your charm."

He laughs, reaching forward and playfully nudging my shoulder with his fist. I laugh with him, thinking how nice it felt to be by him again.

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