The notes

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Hi guys so I've decided to change I've decided that if Rick is speaking it will be underlined and if Morty is talking it will be like this.also the might be SMUT in this chapter but if there is I'll give you a head up...BYE💙💛

Morty POV
Ugh what time is it...oh yeah it's the weekend I don't need to check.I walk over to my closet to get out the usual yellow shirt and blue jeans but since it's close to winter I decide to put on a blue hoodie.I walk out my bedroom and down the stairs to an empty kitchen table with no one there apart from a note.I pick it up and it says-
Dear Morty and Rick,
If you are reading this me Summer and Jerry are gone.we've decided to go out on a 'adventure themed get away and will be back in a week or 2.I'm trusting you 2 with the house But there are some rules as well.
Rule 1-no party's when we aren't there
Rule 2-no guests from another planet(RICK)
Rule 3-don't destroy the house while we are gone
And Rule 4-NO ALCOHOL!
I hope that's clear for everything I need you guys to do and I hope you are both in one piece LITERALLY!
From Beth(or mom)

Oh so they went out that's cool at least me and Rick can catch up with our adventures oh wait there is something written on the back
P.S if you gone on an adventure be careful
Jeez she can be so protective sometimes oh well where's Rick?I place the note in my pocket and walk to the garage.On the garage door there is ANOTHER note?!what is up with this family and notes.I pull the note of the door and read it.
Dear Morty
If you are reading this you are about to go into the garage to see if I'm in there now there are 2 answers-
1.I'm passed out on my work desk because I got drunk or
2.I'm out getting the shopping your mom asked me to get either way Don't come in!if you do I'll kill you and you can agree with me on that because you've seen what I've killed in the past...I'm just looking out for you kiddo.
From Rick
Omg his handwriting is amazing it really stands out...maybe I should write him a reply yeah why not I'm bored.I walk into the kitchen searching through all the draws looking for paper and a pen
5 minutes later
FINALLY!a pen!I grab my piece of paper and my pen and walk to the kitchen table.I sit down and I start to think of what to write and start writing.
18 minutes later
Dear Rick
Thanks for leaving me the note I just wanted to spend some time with you since no one else is here but it's fine if your gone or passed out we can hang out tomorrow.Also by the way mom left this note on the kitchen table if you want to read it it'll be on my bedroom door oh and by the way if you want me to get you anything I'll be in the living room or upstairs.
From Morty :)

👍 perfect I pick up the note and walk back to the garage door.I grab so tape and put it on the door ready for him to read and I might as well put moms letter on my door while I wait for him to read that one.I walk up the stairs to my door and tape it there what do I do?oh I know I'll go watch some ball fondlers that will pass the time
1 hour later
Omg I can't this is to funny 😆
What was that?I grab the tv remote and turn of the tv.I think it came from the garage.I get up from the couch and walk to the garage door.Oh he read the note and he's replaced it with another one let's read it-
Hi kiddo
Thanks reading my note I'm not doing good at the moment so thanks for asking if I'm okay but I'll make sure to spend time with you tomorrow and I'll also make sure to read your mom's note.Also don't write me anymore notes if you want to tell me something just knock on the door and I'll answer love you kiddo
From you know who.
Aw he's so sweet when he's caring but I don't want to bother him at the moment so I'll just go back to watching ball fondlers.
1 hour and 27 minutes later
It's so boring when me and Rick aren't around each other it's super boring.
Is that Rick again in the garage.Rick?
*no answer*
Rick are you okay!
*still no answer*
Oh well it's probably me hearing things.
I turn to my Right to see Rick standing there with his lab coat ripped?!and dripping with BLOOD?!
Rick what happened?!
So alien bozo happened anyway
Why is he waking over to the couch?he sits down next to me with a look...just a random look that shows'I'm gonna kill a mother fucker*but I just shrug it off and go back to watching ball fondlers.

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