What happened to us?

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(Hi guys before we begin I just wanted to say I was gone for so long because I was celebrating my dads birthday a couple days ago and also I kept on losing motivation and ideas and also I'm getting a new phone tomorrow so this will be the last part of the story and of course it will be a long chapter so buckle up and let's dive in!)

3rd person perspective
It was quiet in the Smith household no one was talking to each other(apart from Rick and Morty the gay bois duh)Beth and Jerry were back together and nobody wanted it in the first place but to late.Oh I think I hear somebody coming downstairs shhh!
Hello?is anybody here?

Silence...just silence answered the teenager all he could hear was his thoughts flying through his head about what he said to his mother a week ago...

*Mortys thoughts*
She hates you! She wishes you wasn't born!
Go kill yourself! You MISTAKE!

Oh hi Morty your up late.
The teenager looked up from the stairs to see his older sister stood at the bottom of the stairs with her phone in hand and staring at him with a huge smile.
If your looking for Mom and Dad they went out and for grandpa he went out aswell went to go get some alien goo...anyways!how are you?
The teen did not respond he was just trapped in deep thought about what he said in the past and how he wishes he could have changed it...
The teen was still looking at his sister in a daze she was waving her hands up and down for enthusiasm to catch her brothers attention which worked.
What d-do you w-want Summer?
You really need to stop hanging out with grandpa he's making you more grumpy by each day *chuckles*
The teens sister left the bottom of the stairs and walked into the dining room and sat at the table.
Morty pov
Why is it always me with the bad mornings I never get a rest here because of either mom and dad having sex or Rick breaking stuff in the garage it stresses me out!ugh I should just stop thinking about it and go sit with Summer.
I walked down the stairs and into the dining room and sat at the table with Summer.

So...how was your party yesterday at Jessica's since I didn't want to go...
She looked up at me in shock not expecting to hear those words out of my mouth.
*chuckles*don't you remember I told you already?
That's weird I don't remember her telling me about the party?maybe she was drunk and told me while I was asleep.
No I don't r-remember you telling me?
Oh okay I'll tell you again,so first of Jessica kept on asking me if you was okay and if you was going to the party and I kept telling her you wasn't doing,Another thing that happened was Brad broke a table he jumped on top of it and broke it in half*laughing*
He broke it in half?!*laughing* that's hilarious I wish I was there to see it!
Shortly after I said that though the front door opened revealing Beth and Jerry carrying a whole bunch of bags.
Hey mom hey dad!
Summer waves to them and they walked in and placed the bags down.
Hey sweetie how are you?
I'm good thanks
Beth turned to me with a very pale looking face and said-
Hey Morty...
H-h-hey M-M-Mom...
Yeah she hates me I knew she did why did I try to block out the fact that she didn't I knew she did I just couldn't ugh!I stood up and walked to the garage door and opened it.
[time skip]
I was face first on Rick's garage desk crying my pussy eyes out!Why does life have to be so hard for me it's like-
'Wow I feel so loved' 2 seconds later-
Everybody hates me!
I just need a break from this shit!I can't keep living like this!Suddenly the idea hit me...What if I just left?!if I was gone then the family would have no more problems!that's a good idea...But Rick...he'd be devastated...I'll leave him a note saying my final goodbye I guess...Or...he can come with me but I bet he'd want to stay here and look after mom and Summer...I'll leave him a note anyways...better go pack then...
I think that's everything yellow shirts,blue jeans,hoodies and gloves if it gets cold,plenty of food and bottles of water and money if I need to buy stuff and also Rick's letter...Ugh what am I even thinking Rick would probably kill himself!But everyone will be happier if I was gone and that's all that matters.I opened my bedroom door and headed to the garage.

I opened the Door and Rick was not there yet so I had enough time to place the note on his work bench and head back to my room to get my stuff.I grabbed my bag and pillow and quietly headed to the front door.I quietly opened it and started to walk away from the house.I knew I was going to regret this decision for the rest of my life but at least everyone will be happy...Summer will be happy my annoying ass is gone...Beth won't miss me a single bit...Dad will probably forget I exist and Rick...I don't know...But to late now just keep walking Morty...or should I say...Mortimer...

*Rick pov (finally!)*
That asshole got lucky this time but next time I'll get him and his goo!I stand up from the ground and turned on the garage lights.Huh?there's a note on my Work bench?I opened the envelope and pulled out a note that said-
Hey Rick!
Sorry I'm Writing this down in a hurry so sorry for any spelling mistakes but I just wanted to let you know that I love you 🤍 and when you hear that you know I mean it because I tell you that all the time and your also probably wondering why I'm writing this letter...well mom or Beth should I say hasn't been talking to me since I last spoke to her last week and I really think she hates me now.Every time I try to talk to her she always shoved me away or never listens so...I've decided I'm leaving...I hope you understand...I didn't know what else to do the whole family hates me!(apart from you maybe)and Mom doesn't even treat me like her son anymore!I'm more like a slave to her now!If you try looking for me that's fine Just...please don't take me back...I've made their lives a living hell already.So I think their better of without me...Goodbye...

No...no no NO NO!why would he leave?! I understand why just...Fuck sake!I'm going to go look for him!I exited the garage and was blocked by Summer.
Hey grandpa...are you okay you look like you've been crying is there something wrong?
Yes Summer your MOM has made your brother run away now move!
I shoved her out the way and headed straight for the front door.I instantly opened it and ran out of the house!I didn't stop running I just kept running and running and running trying to find this kid but there was no point he was gone I knew he would be...what the FUCK!why...WHY! I've checked everywhere where could he possibly...Wait!
I ran to the back of the house and down the street to the same alleyway he was sat down in before and to my luck...he was there...
*sniff* who's there?
You know who i am...
The one and only kiddo...
I walked up to him and sat down.I placed my hand on his shoulder and he looked at me.
Why...did you l-leave kid...
*sniff* I just...wanted to g-get away f-from it a-all y-you know?*sniff* g-get a-a away f-from the p-past...
Wow this kid really does have a thing for being sad..
Morty...you can't control the p[belch]ast no matter how many t-times you try to change it...trust me I've tried...but the past can hold 2 things...
Good memories and bad memories...
He smiled at me shedding a tear from his eye.
So you want to know why I was gone for so long?
I handed him some keys and he looked very very VERY confused like I just handed his a hand that had been chopped off by a train( ;) if you know you know)I chuckled and stood up grabbing my portal gun out of my pocket and typing in coordinations to a dimension.
Trust me Morty you won't be confused when you walk through here.
Um okay...
He anxiously walked through the portal and what stood in front of us was a 2 level story house...
*chuckled* you figured it out yet?
Omg yeah!
He turned around and jumped into my arms hugging me.So what happened to us?We became more than friends.
The end~

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