Cuts and scars

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Rick got me down from the table and handed me my shirt.After it was on Rick walked over to a lever and pulled down making the ground shake and move upwards.This eventually ended up making the garage back to normal and as soon as I was about to say something the garage door bursted open.
Omg Morty are you okay Summer told me everything that happened!Is your hand okay?!
I [belch] wouldn't recommend touching that Beth it could I- injure him More.
As Rick said that she instantly released my hand and stood up(she was kneeling down).

She gave Rick a stare it wasn't just any stare a really SERIOUS mom stare.She looked away and then left the room seconds after Summer ran in.
Are you okay now Morty?!
I'm I'm I'm
Your what?!
Because he lost a lot of blood he'll be like that for a while
I I I'm okay...
That's all I wanted to hear
And after that she was gone,Rick didn't look himself he looked what's the word oh stressed in some sort of way.I walked up to him and looked in his eyes and I stared..and stared until he eventually got uncomfortable.
Stop that Morty your freaking me out!
S S S sorry *chuckles*
Little bitch your creepy when you do that.
Oh guys did you want anything to eat?
No thanks Beth I'm good Morty?

I looked towards mom and nodded saves her being sat there for half an hour waiting for me to stop stuttering.She left the room giving me and Rick some privacy Jesus Christ i hate it when she interrupts me whenever I'm's like whenever I'm trying to say something or start a conversation she's always there.

You alright?
No your not I can tell..
He kneeled down so we were in eye level.I think I was gonna start crying but I held back the tears not making Rick go into protective boyfriend mode.
What's wrong?
I was wordless I didn't know what to say or do.
So...going for the silent treatment huh?
I shook my head i didn't want him to think I was being cocky or anything but there was only one thing I could think of.I put my hands out in front of me starting to cry and I could feel the tears running down my face.
Shit what did I do did I do something wrong?!
Morty...don't cry...
Come here...
He walked up to me and wrapped his hands around my waist.I could feel his tears falling onto my shoulder as I held him there waiting for him to stop.
[time skip]
I think he's asleep aw...I was about to pick him up until the garage door opened revealing Beth.
*whispers*sorry I made Morty some food.
*whisper*it's fine.
She chuckled and shut the garage door.I picked Morty up and carried him in my arms and took him out the garage of course Summer was sat in the living room looking at me.
Aw~you do love him~
Shut up Summer no body asked for your opinion okay!
Morty was moving around in my arms possibly a bad dream or how I just shouted at summer.I flipped Summer the bird.

And went back to sending Morty upstairs

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And went back to sending Morty upstairs.

I reached Morty's room and it smelt weird like somebody had cut them no NO NO!
That's why he's been wearing long sleeved shirts!
I place Morty down and rolled up his sleeve revealing about 14-15 cuts on his arm...he promised he wouldn't cut he PROMISED!
His mom can't see this if she does she'll probably think it's my fault.
You lying little shit!
I started to walk over to his bed and sat down.I placed my face in my hands and looked down to my knees.Why would he do that to himself is it my fault?!oh god I'm crying...

Ugh R Rick?!are you okay your crying?!
I removed my hands from my face and looked at him with a stare...
Roll up your sleeves
W w what?!
Roll them up!
He jumped at this but eventually rolled up his sleeves.
Is it my fault...
What?!of course not what gave you that idea?!
He eventually realised why and stood up and walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.I looked away from him I didn't know what to do or say to him.
Jeez Rick it's not your fault why would I cut because of you?

What was that?
Because I'm an awful person to you Morty!Don't you know what I've put you through!I made you punch your hand into a mirror,you nearly die on almost all of our adventures and the worst part is-
I stopped talking I was getting to emotional fuck I bet I look a mess.
...Rick..your not an awful person,when I punched my hand into a mirror that was my fault I wasn't thinking straight and I just did it that had nothing to do with you.
He placed his hand on mine.
You would never EVER try to hurt me and I know you wouldn't if you did that would have been because you were drunk other than that I will love you either wwway

Damn he really does care me huh...I'll put that aside for now I need to start thinking about what to do now since Jerry doesn't live here anymore.

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