The request

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It was about 3:27 in the morning and Morty couldn't sleep he kept on rolling left and right in his bed thinking about was unclear to know what he was thinking of but whatever it was it was stressing him out.
I can't that memory just keeps on popping into my head if I stay up I'll probably end up falling asleep during the test tomorrow ugh.Mom and Summer are asleep so I can't talk to them and I think Rick's downstairs doing something important...I don't know..I sit up and faced the wall it's boring not talking to anyone..oh well might as well get used to this because I'm gonna be sitting here for the next 3 hours thinking out that memory...

*time skip:1 hour*
Okay this is getting really boring now and if I try to go back to sleep I'll just wake up again uggghhhhh.
I decide to get up and walk over to my desk.I open one of the draws and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil might as well study for the test...

*time skip again:6:30am*
Ugh that took forever!I get up from my desk and walk over to my closet I pull out a classic yellow shirt and blue jeans with my white sneakers.
After I was done I walked downstairs to find no one there.
That's weird?
I walk into the living room and sat on the couch and turned on the tv.
Oh good morning
Huh..oh hey Rick
Rick must of been in the garage working on something.He walked over to the couch and sat next to me.
You didn't sleep again huh?
Yes I know you have red eyes like you stayed *belch* up all n night
Yeah i didn't I stayed up studying instead.
What's the point you know I would of come to get you.
Heh yeah silly me...
You alright?
Good Morning!
I turned around to see mom stood there in the hallway really happy for some reason and I heard Rick whisper something to me.
We'll talk about this later.

Morning sweetie!
Morning dad oh hi Morty didn't see you there haha
Heh yeah...
I turned around and faced the tv again until I heard another voice
Good Morning!
Summer was walking down the stairs on her phone which wasn't a surprise she's always on it I bet if she had to choose her phone over me she'd choose her phone any day and I bet mom would choose being a surgeon over me too...

*time skip:13 minutes*
Breakfasts ready!
Come on get up
I didn't want to get up it would just make me tired even more.
Morty come on get up
I'm not hungry Rick I'll have something la-
Rick grabbed my arm and pulled me off the couch ugh!we walked into the kitchen or dining room and sat at the table.Summer was on her phone probably scrolling through instagram and mom was walking in with plates of food.
Here you go dad
She gave Rick his food and placed it down in front of him.
Thanks Beth
I felt...hollow...I didn't feel myself...maybe because I was tired or maybe I was just not hungry...I don't know
Everyone was staring at me as I yelled Rick looked the most concerned.
Jeez Morty I just wanted to ask if your okay you look like you just drank 6 bottles of wine.
I'm fine...
Okay here you go
She put my plate down in front of me and went and sat down in her chair just looking at it made me want to 🤢 barf

You didn't have to make me this m mom I wasn't that hungry.
What do you mean you always want something in the Morning?
Rick was holding my hand under the table he probably thought something was wrong.
I uh-I'm gonna get ready for school.
I got up from the table and walked up the stairs I could tell everyone was looking at me...

Something isn't right he's never like this...well sometimes but not now.
What's up with him?
I don't know want me to go check on him?
Sure he looks worried about something.
I got up and went upstairs to Morty's room.
I could hear footsteps inside the room and a couple seconds later the door opened.
Can I come in?
He moved out the way and let me inside.He shut the door behind me and I sat down on his bed.
Come here Morty
He slowly walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.
About that question I asked earlier...what's up kiddo your like *belch* not acting yourself?
I-no I'm not okay if that answers your question.
Are you being bitchy with me or are you just in a bad mood?
Oh sorry did I sound rude I'm sorry?!
Eh it's fine I'm used to it by now what's the matter?
It's just mom...
She's been stressing me out lately she's been ignoring me and not listening to me!I wish she would just listen to me and what I want not just what she wants!she only wants success for her you and Summer not me I bet she wishes I never existed!I HATE HER!
He looked shocked and covered his mouth regretting what he just said.🤭
Morty ... don't say that she loves you...
No she doesn't!remember that one time me Summer and mom where kidnapped by that big purple alien well he asked her who's life he should spare between me and Summer and she instantly chose Summer like *snaps fingers* that!
I can't believe Beth would do something like that...choosing one kid over the other she knows what my life would be like without Morty...Jesus
Yeah I know why can't she just listen...
Well Morty
At least I care about you huh?
His frown turned into a huge smile.
Yeah at least I have you!
He pulled me into a hug and mumbled something in my stomach
What was that?
He lifted his head and looked me in the eyes
I love you
*chuckles*I love you too :)
I got him off my Chest and put him back on the bed.
What did you do that for did you not want a hug from your fabulous boyfriend?!
No I was giving you this.
I pulled him closer to me and gave him a kiss.Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
You two okay in there?
We're okay Beth!
*whisper*see what i mean!
I covered his mouth with my hand.
Oh okay just wanted to ask if you was going on an adventure with Morty today because if you was he can skip school.
Yeah I was planning on taking him on an adventure later.
Oh okay tell him I asked if he's okay
I will
Then I heard her walk away from the door and down the stairs.
Okay calm down
I removed my hand from his mouth and he bursted into shouting
Rick what the hell?!
I rolled my eyes and pulled him into another kiss.
*footsteps approach the door*
I swear to god if that Beth!
Oh shit it's Summer!I separate me and Morty and walked over to the door and opened it.
How's Morty?
I'm okay
That's good bye
Bye sum sum
That's really starting to get on my nerves.
You want to get a drink?
Uh sure
I pull my portal gun out of my pocket and shot a portal at the wall.I walked through it and shortly after Morty did as well.I walked over to the bartender and asked for a glass of vodka and a cup of water for Morty.
Uh Rick where are we?
I'd say one of the best bars in the galaxy's I haven't got wasted in a while *belch* so...
Oh okay
The bartender came back over and handed us our drinks.Morty drank his water very quickly for some reason but meh.


*time skip:1 hour*
What are you laughing at?
You look adorable :)
Aw~your drunk :/
Excuse me bartender!
How many has he had?
About 10 shots?
Okay thank you.
Your so pretty~
Rick you can't say that!
Why *hic* not~
It's illegal
That's it ggive me your portal gun!
F f fine precious~
He handed me his portal gun and I shot a portal back home.I dragged him into the portal and shoved him onto the ground.
Ah!fucking hell what was that for~!
I got him up from the floor and over to the bed.
Jeez what do you *hic* want~to fuck me~?
Your so annoying when your drunk!
You know you like it~
He has a point I know what screw it!I walked over to the door and locked it.
Somebody's horny~
Oh fuck you!
Ugh!take your shirt off!
Whatever you say handsome~
He took his shirt off and threw it onto the ground.I walked over and got on top of him.
Your more handsome up close~
Go to hell
There's no need *belch* *hic* to be rude precious~

Will you stop calling me that I-it's annoying
He grabbed me from the waist and pulled me into a kiss.Okay straight to it I guess?I could feel one of his hands slowly moving upwards towards the back of my head.We separated and looked at each other Rick looked so hot~wait what am I saying he's just drunk!
What's wrong~
You look hot~
I know I do but there someone more hotter on top off *belch* me~
Okay then maybe I do like you drunk
*chuckles*whatever handsome~
*knocks on the door*

Shit it's mom
Hello is anyone there?
Hey mom!
Rick pushed me off him and he got on top of me?!
Is your grandpa there?
*whispers*shut up!
No he's not here!
Okay bye

Rick cut me off by kissing me.He looked so hot and horny~omg Morty shut up about him!he's your boyfriend not your fucking sugar daddy 😂.He eventually stopped and went towards my neck.
Rick s slow down!
Rick put his lips on my neck and started sucking there probably giving me a hickey shit!
*chuckles*what's wrong~
Nothing ah~
Rick got up and took my shirt off and threw it somewhere completely random.
Wait a second
What w w why?
I'm getting something.

I went to my desk and looked through the draws.eventually I found a pair of handcuffs that Rick gave me a while ago on one of our adventures.I turned around and saw  Rick looking straight at me with a sexy look on his face.
You look sexy when you pull that face~
What you get *hic*
I'll show you~
I got on the bed and on top of him.I grabbed both of his hands and put the hand cuffs on his wrists.
Oh~I see where this is *belch* going you kinky little bitch~
Says the one who wanted his grandson to fuck him in the ffirst place~

I looked through the cabinet on the right side of my bed and found a roll of tape.
W what's *belch* that *hic* for?
I grabbed a bit of tape and placed it over his mouth.
Pay back!
*laughing*that will shut you up for a while.
I got onto my knees and looked at him.
*chuckles*good boy~
His face turned a dark pink color and then looked like he was about to fucking moan!I slowly unzipped his trousers and removed them.

Mmm mmmmm~
What was that?
I slowly placed my hand down his boxers to his dick and started stroking it
What was that handsome~
I slowly started to stroke his Dick faster trying to get an answer out of him.
What did you say Rick~
*giggles*what did you say I didn't hear you?
I removed the tape from his mouth.
Omg! Ahhh~
You want to go faster?
Omg yes please Morty ~ahhh
I started to stroke it faster and faster and his moans just got louder and louder.
Ahhhh~Morty~ ugh!faster Morty~
As you wish~
I started to stroke it faster as Rick requested and he ended up drooling.
right there Morty~oh god!ahh!right there Morty!~
Ugh Rick you got cum all on my hand!
Ahh~I don't care ah~ so good~
Ugh~that was amazing Morty~
Wait a minute...why don't you sound drunk?!
You dick!
Don't be like that m morty you just fucking made me cum and your getting mad that I'm not drunk?!
I can do it again!
Please do that was amazing
As you wish~

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