11. There He Was.

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{Short Chapter}

Smelling the nice and sweet coffee in the air is the best. I walk towards a coffee shop. I walk in and sat in a table by the window. I ordered myself a caffe latte. It came by 15 minutes after the order. It was a long wait because there was other people too!

Drinking my nice and warm caffe latte felt amazing. I feel like I could make a living for another 100 years since I'm 24. Sipping the caffe latte nonstop. Sips after sips. I touch my phone while drinking. I wanted to look "cute" so I decide to take a picture of me holding my caffe latte. I put my phone on count of 5 so I could hold my caffe latte in my hands and act like I was drinking it. By the time it reached to 1, there he was. SungGyu.

His Sweetness Turned  into Coldness (Kim Myungsoo)Where stories live. Discover now