19. His Home

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I soon came quickly back. Everything was now back to normal.. I press in my code to my house but it was wrong? Did someone change it? What can't I get in? I asked the manager to what happened to my door and sadly I was kicked out due to not paying my monthly contract rule.. My stuff was out in the back where the trash all belonged to. I grabbed everything and roamed Seoul. I tried calling all my friend I knew that lived in Seoul but sadly because it was winter time for families to spend time together, I didn't want to ruin things. My only hope was Myungsoo and Woohyun. But Woohyun have a busy schedule and if I tagged along with him and his manager, his career will end. Myungsoo was the only hope left for me.

I call Myungsoo while I was out in front of the apartment.
"Yes, Yoo In?"
"I.. I was just curious if you had anymore room in your home for one more person to live in.... ?"
*laughs* "Sure why not! I'm living on my own so I have plenty of room. Ah! By the way, who is the "person"?"
I felt so embarrassed to have say that. I turned red.
"Where are you?"
"Outside of my apartment."

He hangs up on me. I tried calling him back but he never answered.

{15 minutes later after the call}
I felt like trash. I'm so tired. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't.
"Yoo In! Here!" Myungsoo calls.
I look up from excitement.
"Myungsoo!!" I screamed in joy.
"Have all your stuff? Let's go~" he says cheerfully.

It was awkward in the car ride but I couldn't help but to wait for a nice, comfy sleep! Myungsoo grabs all my stuff and showed me my room.
"Yoo In, starting from today you're going to be living, eating, and sleeping here!" He smiles with his cat eyes.
I smiled back. "Thank you!"

We're having dinner together and as u look up, I begin to have flashes of his cuteness. I slam my spoon on the table. Myungsoo jumps from surprised. "What's wrong?" He asked feeling scared to ask. I cluelessly got up and walked to the room and locked myself up for the rest of the night dying of hunger. The food was so good but why did I leave? I regretted it so much I wanted to kill myself. I spent the rest of the night on my hanger (hungry + angry) mode.

His Sweetness Turned  into Coldness (Kim Myungsoo)Where stories live. Discover now