chapter one

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group of five

Jisung sighed, watching his two best friends, Felix and Hea, engage in yet another ridiculous debate about whether eggs or chickens came first.

“When will they stop bickering?” he wondered, shaking his head as their nonsensical conversation escalated. Despite being part of the same friend group, there was an undeniable tension between them that had become a familiar backdrop for everyone else.

“Don’t act like you’re not used to this,” Seungmin quipped sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he continued to munch on his lunch. “Whatever,” Jisung replied, diving back into his meal while the chaos unfolded.

“Are you really that dense? Of course, chickens come first, you idiot!” Hea snickered, delivering a playful smack to the back of Felix’s head. “Yah! You’re the idiot here! The egg comes first, obviously!” Felix shot back, rubbing the spot she had hit.

The two glared at each other like rivals in a heated competition. “No, chickens come first!”

“No way, it’s definitely eggs!”

Just then, Lee Minho strolled over and plopped down next to Hea, "Are you guys fighting again?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Minooo!” she pouted, leaning in for a side hug. Felix pretended to gag dramatically.

“Eww, you’re so gross!” he exclaimed. “Oh please, Mr. Stupid! You’re just jealous you don’t have anyone to hug!” Hea teased, sticking her tongue out at him.

Felix scooted away in mock horror, but unbeknownst to him, his sister Vivian was lurking behind him. With a swift slap on his back that made him hiss in pain, she scolded, “Didn’t I tell you to be respectful to girls?”

“She teased me! She doesn’t deserve my respect!” he protested, pointing an accusatory finger at Hea, who was blissfully uninterested in their sibling squabble.

Vivian sighed heavily. “You both are so stubborn,” she muttered before walking back to her table without another word.

“Serves you right, Mr. Stupid,” Hea said sweetly before getting up from her seat. Felix shot her a glare but chose to ignore her entirely.

“Where are you going?” Jisung asked curiously.

“I’m off to make out with someone in the janitor’s closet,” she said bluntly, causing Minho, Seungmin, and Felix to choke on their food in shock.

“What!?” Felix coughed incredulously.

“Why would you like to join us?” Hea retorted nonchalantly.

“Yuck! You’re disgusting!” he shot back with a grimace.

“Well then, I guess I should probably go now,” she shrugged and turned to leave.

“Wait! Are you serious?” Seungmin asked incredulously as she paused mid-stride and turned back with a mischievous smile.
Hea tried hard not to laugh but was cut off when Felix slammed his hands on the table with enough force to draw attention from nearby students. “I’m going!” he declared angrily before storming off.

“What’s with him?” She asked innocently as the three boys exchanged confused glances.

“I have no idea,” they replied in unison.

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