chapter five

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news after news

"We're dating," the two announced in unison. Jisung gasped dramatically while Minho excitedly clapped his hands.

Hea's face dropped. Did she hear that right?
They're dating!? It hadn't even been a month since they met Mirae. How could this happen so quickly?

"That fast?" she bluntly asked.

"Why, is there something wrong with that?" Felix replied defensively.

"Well, you just met! I think you should wait a little longer-" Hea didn't get to finish her thought as Mirae cut her off.

"Oh, come on, Hea! We love each other! Isn't that reason enough for us to date?" Mirae rolled her eyes.

"You like him? Really? I don't think so," Hea chuckled, smirking at her.

"Don't even go there, Hea," Mirae muttered sternly.

"Are you scared?" Hea pouted playfully.

"Yah, Hae! Are we seriously going to argue about this again?" Jisung interjected, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back.

"Why? I'm just talking to her. Stop being so defensive, Jisung!" Hea hissed, shaking off his grip.

"What's your problem now? You're acting up again," Minho spat.

"Are you jealous?" Mirae teased, flashing a smirk.
"Me? Why would I be jealous?" Hea laughed sarcastically.

"Maybe because Felix and I are dating?" Mirae suggested, a smug look on her face. "Or maybe because your friends never spare any attention to you?"

"So? Are you scared that I might steal him away from you?" Hea retorted confidently, even though she felt nervous and embarrassed inside. Felix shot her a confused look. "W-what did you say?" he stuttered, his eyes wide with shock.

Hea started laughing. "You should have seen your reaction, it's so funny!"

"Anyways, there's no reason for me to stay. I should probably go now." She stood up from her seat and walked out of the café without hesitation.

She felt incredibly stupid but was relieved that she had managed to control her emotions. It was predictable that Felix wouldn't like her back, but she never expected him to date Mirae.

Her heart shattered into pieces; she felt like crying but refused to shed tears over someone who didn't deserve them.

She had hurt herself too many times already and cried enough. She didn't want to waste any more tears on them.


Nothing felt new today; it was the same as usual. Hea constantly saw Felix and Mirae flirting everywhere she went, and it was making her sick.

It had been a while since Mirae re-entered her life, and it was becoming increasingly hard to cope.

I'm so tired, Hea thought, feeling like giving up.
What should I do now?

If she continued down this path, she would only hurt herself more. Clearly, her friends didn't care about her feelings. What was the point of trying to save their friendship if they had already given up?

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