I dont think I like the dark anymore...

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*insert joke about it being ooc*

Saiki's POV

Woo-hoo, another school event...

PK Academy is having a 'test of courage and trust' day. Whatever that means. We each get a partner and there are three different challenges. Number one is you have to let your partner shoot an apple on your head with a fake gun. Number two is you have to be blindfolded as your partner leads you through obstacles. And finally, number three you have to both navigate through a dark hallway to get to the other side.

All of the challenges seemed fairly easy. Only thing is, I got paired up with Hairo. And as you all know by now, Hairo is very...intense.

Everyone in my class had been paired up with someone else before me and Hairo were. Kaido paired up with Aren. Saiko and Nendou paired up too. Aiura and Toritsuka as well. And I'm pretty sure Teruhashi and Chiyo were paired together. It all made sense honestly.

Normally all these challenges would be a breeze, but since I got rid of my powers I can't use them to navigate through this. I'm going to have to trust Hairo to shoot a fake bullet at my head. I have to trust Hairo to lead me through obstacles blindfolded. Damn it.

The first challenge went by smoothly. I went first at being the target, placing an apple on my head and letting Hairo shoot it. He actually managed to hit it dead-on. When it came to my turn. I did the same, I hit it and knocked it off Hairo's head though the dart didn't stick.

The second challenge came. This time Hairo went first. I helped him navigate through the obstacles, telling him when to turn or take a step up or down. He did the same for me, although he panicked a bit and I fell a few times.

When it came time for the third one I was a bit apprehensive. "Me and Saiki are gonna win for sure!" Hairo beamed in his usual upbeat tone. "You sure about that, peasant?" Asked Saiko. I just rolled my eyes.

"Of course I'm sure! We've already won at the other two!" Hairo said back. "Uh- not really. My dart didn't stick and you made me fall." I said to Hairo. Hairo stopped in his tracks and brushed it off, "We'll probably win anyways!" He yelled optimistically.

"Saiki and Hairo, you're up next!" Yelled Mr. Matsuzaki. "Coming sir!" Hairo yelled back. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door to the dark hallway.

Why was I shaky. I feel faint. Mr. Matsuzaki opened the door to the hallway and pushed us both inside, he then closed the door and locked it. Hairo was still holding onto my arm to make sure he knew where I was. The room was pitch black.

It was too dark. Am I shaking? Why am I shaking? I'm not supposed to be scared of the dark. So why am I so anxious?

Hairo must have noticed because a moment later I heard him ask, "Saiki, you okay?" He placed his hand on my shoulder after missing a few times. I nodded but quickly realized he couldn't see me, "yeah, I'm okay."

I could almost see that look of pity on his face. The teachers had placed a few obstacles in the hallway to make it more challenging so we had to make sure we didn't run into them. One of our teachers also included an emergency flashlight that we could only use if we really needed it. Hairo had it in his pocket.

Hairo let go of my arm which made me more anxious. Why did he let go? I can't see him. Where did he go? I heard some movement to my left. But Hairo was on my right. I backed away from the noise and ran into one of the obstacles which made a somewhat loud noise.

Next thing I knew I was on the ground...

Hairo's POV

I heard a noise beside me and I called out, "Saiki?" In case Saiki hurt himself on something. When I got no response I got a little worried. "Saiki?!" I called out again. I was panicking a bit. where was he?

I heard a soft whimper. Is that Saiki? I know that our teacher said to only use the flashlight in case of emergency but I think this could classify as an emergency, so I grabbed the flashlight and turned it on to look around. I looked around with that flashlight and stopped when it landed on Saiki, curled up with his knees to his chest.

"Saiki!" I ran towards hun and knelt down. "Hey, Saiki, you alright, bud?"

After a few moments a few soft answer was spoken. "I don't like this.. I want out.." Saiki said, his voice trembling and barely above a whisper. I placed a hand on his shoulder, making him flinch a little. "Hey, it's okay. I'll get you out.." I looked around for the door with the flashlight. "Here, c'mon, Saiki. The door's right there." I told him. I looked over to him but he didn't move. He just sat there, terrified.

"Oh, Saiki.."

Third POV

Hairo sat down beside Saiki and pulled him in for a hug. Saiki gasped softly but he soon relaxed. "It's okay, Saiki. You're gonna be okay." Hairo's voice become softer than it ever had. Or at least the softest Saiki ever heard. Saiki felt so safe in Hairo's arms, safe as he's ever felt after getting rid of his powers.

Saiki felt so safe that he began to cry. He didn't know how much he hated the dark until he couldn't see in it anymore. "Shhh, it's okay. Nothing's gonna hurt you." Hairo said while running his fingers through Saiki's hair. It was a lot easier since Saiki didn't have his limiters anymore. Hairo sat with Saiki for about ten minutes before they both got up and walked out of the hallway.

Everyone's parents had come to watch all of the events take place and so once Hairo and Saiki walked out, Saiki's parents were there. Kurumi was at first excited that they both made it out but once she saw the look on her son's face her excitement went away quickly.

"Ku?" She said worriedly as she ran up to him. He was still shaking and staring blankly at the ground. "Ku, what's wrong?"

Saiki looked up at his mom. The only thing he said was:

"I don't think I like the dark anymore..."

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