Note to self: don't inhale ramen.

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ooc obviously. It wouldn't be my fic if it wasn't lol
Saiki goes out for ramen (against his own will) with Kaido, Nendo, Kuboyasu and Hairo. He wears his germanium ring because he has a headache and would rather not make it worse by hearing others' thoughts. Someone says something surprising, causing Saiki to choke on his ramen.

Saiki's POV

Well... I was roped into going out for ramen after school again. We, and by 'we' I mean me, Kaido, Nendo, Koboyasu and Hairo, sat at a table near the entrance of the ramen shop Nendo had picked out. I had a headache but decided not to tell anyone because I didn't want to ruin their fun, so I just put on my germanium ring.

I took a bite of my ramen as soon as the door opened, revealing Teruhashi. Great, now I get to deal with her too. "Oh hi everyone!" Teruhashi beamed. Everyone, at the same time, said 'oh wow~' mixed with a couple of 'hi''s. -hello, Teruhashi- I sent.

"Hi Saiki." She gleamed. "May I sit with you?" She asks. Nendo and Kaido nodded jerkily and scoot over, squishing me into the wall even more, so Teruhashi could sit down. Teruhashi didn't order anything, she just sat and talked with us for a while. Everyone was going around saying who they liked because Teruhashi had suggested it for fun. I already knew who liked who so I didn't include myself in the conversation.

I didn't expect them to ask me - mostly because I had barely said anything during the fifteen minutes we were already there for. But then they asked me a question that even I didn't expect.

"Hey, Saiki? Are you gay?"

The question, for some reason, took me by surprise. I was so surprised I choked, no, started to choke, on my ramen. Something was lodged in my throat. I didn't understand why I couldn't knock it loose with my powers. I guess I wouldn't be able to anyway since they're here.

"Hey, buddy. You okay?" Nendo asked, although I couldn't really hear him. I was too panicked, I didn't know what was going on. All I know is that I might die if I couldn't dislodge what was in my throat.

Teruhashi's POV

Saiki was choking! Kaido asked him if he was gay for some reason right as he took a bite of his food. He began to choke on it.

What do I do?! I mean I know first aid but I don't remember what to do if someone's choking! I thought.

Hairo walked over to Saiki and pat him on the back trying to help him cough it up. It must've been stuck in there pretty good. A waitress came over and asked if we need any help. I told her to find someone who could help and bring them here. Hairo kept patting Saiki's back.

The waitress brought back someone to help. I assumed he was a doctor since he looked like he knew exactly what he was doing. "What's your name son?" He asked Hairo. "Kineshi Hairo, sir!" Hairo responded. "And what's his name?" He asked. "His name is Kusuo Saiki, sir!" Hairo responded, again.

Third POV

"Alright, Saiki, put your hands over your head for me, okay?" The doctor instructed. "Hairo, keep patting his back."

"Keep trying to cough it up, Saiki. That's it." The doctor encouraged. The doctor grabbed a garbage bin and put it under Saiki's mouth so that when he coughed up the food it would go into the trash.

After a few more pats to the back, Saiki finally coughed up the piece of food. He leaned back onto the chair and began panting. "You okay, son?" The doctor asked. Saiki, for some reason, used his real voice to say-

"Y-yes, sir....thank you."

(I know I make Saiki talk in his real voice a lot but I love it when he does so....y'know....also it seems more sincere that way)

"No problem, Saiki. Are you having any trouble breathing?" He asked. -no. Not really- Saiki answered. "That's good."

"Saiki! I'm so glad you're okay!" Teruhashi squealed happily. -yes, I'm fine- Saiki responded, still panting a little. "Here, pal. Drink some water." Nendo offered. Saiki took the drink and took a few sips.

"Well, Saiki. You should go home and rest. But before you do I would stop by a clinic to get your throat checked out okay?" The doctor told Saiki.

-okay- Saiki replied. "We can walk you there if you want?" Kuboyasu asked kindly.

-yeah sure- Saiki replied monotonously, as if nothing happened. Hairo continued to encourage Saiki to drink water so his throat could heal faster.

-good grief, now I gotta explain why I'm late home to my mom- Saiki deadpanned.

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