I hate horror movies...

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(I suck at writing horror movies - and just writing in general - so please bear with me)

Kusuo's POV

My parents bought a horror movie. None of us had seen it before and so I didn't know what would happen. I don't particularly love horror movies. Even I get scared sometimes. I don't really want to watch the movie - but my grandparents were here also. And my mom was really looking forward to it and she wanted me to be there. So I watched it anyway.

"Ku. Could you bring the bowl of popcorn into the living room please?" My mom asked. I nodded and went to go and grab the bowl. I brought to bowl into the living room and sat on the co- no, the floor. Everyone else took up the couch so I just sat on the floor. After a little while my mom started the movie.

About 30 minutes into the movie it started to get a little scary. Apparently the movie was about this guy who gets a bug implanted into his brain that turns him into some kind of serial killer. He goes after everyone who ever did him any wrong and kills them mercilessly.

Kurumi's POV (Kusuo's Mom)

About 35-ish minutes into the movie I noticed Kusuo had frozen in place. He was staring at the TV and shaking. I nudged Kuniharu and tilted my head towards Kusuo. He looked at Ku and then back at me, concerned. He obviously saw Kusuo shaking. I think mom noticed too because I saw her nudge dad. They both looked at Kusuo and then to me and Kuniharu.

Kusuo was staring blankly at the screen and shivered as a blood-curdling scream came from the TV. I tentatively put my hand on his shoulder. He gasped and jumped. (Forgot to mention he put on the ring that blocks his telepathy so he could actually focus on the movie) Kusuo looked back at me with fear in his eyes. I'd never seen Ku scared like this before. I looked more closely and saw tears welling in his eyes. This was probably really hard on his heart. He wasn't used to jump scares because usually he could tell when something was about to happen but he decided to wear the germanium ring.

The movie showed a close-up of a girl getting her head chopped off and then a close-up of the killer's face. His face was covered in blood. He had no mouth and no pupils. Kusuo gasped and shuddered. I quickly scooted down to the floor and covered his eyes. "Someone pause the movie please." I said urgently. Mom paused the movie and I uncovered Kusuo's eyes. He was looking straight forward, staring at the image on the TV, breathing shakily, trembling and whimpering.

Kusuo's POV

All I saw at that moment was blood. All around. In my panicked state I saw everything covered in blood.

Kurumi's POV

Kusuo started to mutter words under his breath as dad moved toward him with a blanket and some water.

"N-no.... g-go away." He said softly. "N-no...stay back..!" He said a little louder. After a second I realized he was talking to dad. And that he wasn't using telepathy to talk. "Ku...it's just grandpa." I told him comfortingly. "N-no....it's him- it's h-" he cut himself off with a gasp as mom pulled him to her chest. "Just listen to my heartbeat, sweetie." She said soothingly.

(Btw when it's Kurumi or Kuniharu's POV when they say 'mom' or 'dad' it's referring to Kusuo's grandparents)

Kusuo fought against mom's hold for a moment before giving up and accepting it. He began breathing rapidly. Dad and Kuniharu kept bombarding him with glasses of water trying to get him to calm down. And then, for the first time in years, mom snapped.

"You boys are not helping! Can't you see? Kusuo is scared and you two crowding him and talking loudly both at the same time is making it worse!"

Kuniharu and dad stared in amazement. Mom hadn't yelled at them in years.

Kusuo pulled his knees up to his chest and covered his ears. "Can you look at me, Kusuo?" Mom asked him. Kusuo tentatively looked up, only unveiling his eyes. "Can you take some deep breaths with me?" She asked him. He nodded.

I sat down and put my hand on Ku's shoulder. He flinched a little but was fine. Mom started to lead him through some breathing exercises and helped him calm down.

"In for four seconds. Hold for seven. And out for eight. That's it, you got it." She soothed. When Ku calmed down I took him into my arms and held him tightly. "I'm so, so sorry, Ku! I had no idea the movie would scare you this much." I said, tears rolling down my face. Kusuo clung to me like he did when he was little. I felt his shoulders shaking and pulled away to see his face.

He was crying.

That doesn't happen.

At all.

He sniffled miserably and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Oh, Ku. It's okay. The movie's over now. It wasn't real." I told him comfortingly. Kuniharu, mom and dad came over and wrapped their arms around both of us. After a little while we all broke the hug and wiped our eyes. Kusuo tried to hide the fact that he was crying.

"Maybe we should watch something else." Kuniharu suggested. All, except Kusuo, nodded.

We put on a different movie and watched it together. Kusuo sat between me and Kuniharu. But Kuniharu got up to go get a drink and dad took his place. Dad built up enough courage to pull Kusuo toward him. Kusuo accepted the gesture and rested his head on dad's shoulder. Dad blushed and was probably going crazy.

Kusuo's POV

I took the germanium ring off. My grandpa was going nuts. I rested my head on his shoulder for some form of comfort and his thoughts were louder then the movie. 'I can't believe it! My grandson is cuddling up next to me!'

Jeez. Are you really that desperate for my attention? What would happen if I hugged him? Would he faint? Because I was curious - I hugged him. 'Is he...HE'S HUGGING ME!! YAHOOOO~~' oh boy...

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