Puppy Dog Eyes

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Quick little drabble about how Kusuo has mastered puppy dog eyes and how it always works on Kuniharu.


Third POV

Today was a special day. It was Christmas Eve! And Kusuo was annoyed at all the people.

His parents, Kurumi and Kuniharu, were downstairs mingling with Kusuo's friends who had invited themselves over.

The pink haired psychic was sitting alone in his room, trying to avoid said friends. But his quiet time was interrupted by his father who came barreling into his room. "Oh Kusuo~" he said in that 'l'm pathetically asking you to do something for me' tone.

Kusuo sighed and inwardly rolled his eyes. -what?- he asked. "Oh don't be like that, son. Come on downstairs, all of your friends are here!" He smiled widely and motioned for Kusuo to come downstairs. Kusuo, however, didn't move a muscle or say anything.

Kuniharu frowned childishly. "C'mon, Ku, come downstairs." He whined like a child while saying this. -No.- Kusuo stated plainly.

"Kusuo, I'm not kidding. Come downstairs." Kuniharu's tone was a bit more stern now. Kusuo sighed 'I hoped I wouldn't have to do this...' he thought. He closed his book and went to sit on the edge of the bed.

-Please don't make me go down there..- Kusuo said, looking up at his father with such childlike innocence. Kuniharu's worst enemy... the puppy dog eyes.

Kusuo had done it when he was a kid to get what he wanted but only used it on his dad since his mom didn't fall for it. Kuniharu began to sweat and gulped nervously. Kurumi had asked him to get Kusuo down but he knew he would turn up empty handed.

"U-uh.. now, Kusuo, your mother wanted you downstairs." He tried to stay firm but Kusuo's eyes only became wider and sadder. -Please..- he even put on a fake pout to really sell the act. After a few pain filled moments for both of them, Kuniharu caved. "Fine! I'll tell mom that you aren't coming down." He nearly burst out sobbing saying this.

"I can't say no to that face, it's too darn cute!" Kuniharu said while walking out of Kusuo's bedroom.

Kusuo smirked. -works every time.-



I have a few other chapters planned since I've been gone for so long-

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