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After Saiki saves Japan from the meteor, he is injured and in need of care. Luckily his family is there.

Also I'm a sucker for fluff so that's in here too.

Wee it's ooc deal with it

Kurumi's POV

"Kusuo!" I yelled as I saw him fall from the sky. He had just redirected a meteor off course that was going to crash into Japan and destroy everything. The only thing, is while he was redirecting it, a big piece broke off and hit him.

Me and honey ran over to where he had fallen and looked around. Kusuke had followed us. We looked around everywhere where we saw him fall and about five minutes later we finally found him. "Ku..." I whispered. All three of us ran over to him and knelt down beside him. "Ku, can you hear me..?"

Third POV

"C'mon, son. Wake up.." Kuniharu whispered, his voice uncharacteristically soft. Within the next few seconds Kusuo's eyes fluttered open and a broken and raspy voice cut through the silence, "M-om..?"

Kurumi broke out into tears of joy at her baby being safe. "It's me, Ku.."

"You saved us, baby brother.." Kusuke chimed in, not sounding jealous or annoying like he usually would, but soft like his father. "I did... is the meteor..?" Kusuo trailed off. Kuniharu nodded, his hand pushing a piece of hair away from Kusuo's face. The pink haired psychic sighed with relief and shut his eyes.

About 20 minutes later

They had brought Kusuo back home for some much needed rest. Kuniharu and Kusuke helped him up to his room to lay down before they went down to help Kurumi with making something for Kusuo to eat.

Kusuke had left to check on Kusuo, he was genuinely worried about him and wanted to make sure he was alright. When he got to Kusuo's room he knocked on the door, "Kusuo?"

No answer. So he just opened the door and walked in. The his surprise he didn't see his brother sleeping but instead sitting up, doubled over in pain. He gasped and sped over to Kusuo. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, his tone slightly panicked but also trying to keep his brother calm.

"It's nothing-" he cut himself off by crying out in pain. Kusuke looked down to see that Kusuo was holding his ribs on the left side. He gently moved Kusuo's hands away and lifted up his shirt. "Yeah, sure. It's 'nothing'.." he said, slightly pissed off at Kusuo. The pink-haired boy in question blushed and looked away, feeling silly for not being able to take care of himself.

Kusuke pressed down slightly on Kusuo's ribs to check if any were broken, causing him to flinch and gasp when Kusuke pressed down on a particularly sensitive bruise. "Sorry." The older apologized. Kusuo doesn't respond, he just stares at his hands, which were also covered in cuts and bruises.

"Well I think a few ribs might be broken." Kusuke stated simply. Kusuo nodded curtly. "I know.." he said quietly.

Kusuke's eyes widened a bit. "You knew and you didn't tell anyone?"

"I thought it would be fine..."

Kusuke sighed and went to leave the room. "I'll be right back." He said before leaving.

He came back a moment later with a first aid kit. He set the kit down on Kusuo's bedside table and pulled out some gauze and bandages. "Lift your shirt please." He told Kusuo. Kusuo's eyebrows furrowed together, but he did. Kusuke placed the gauze on the cuts around the bruise before wrapping Kusuo's ribs with the bandages. He pulled tightly, setting the ribs in place so they would heal properly, causing Kusuo to grimace here and there.

When he finished he tied of the bandage and placed it back in the kit before giving Kusuo a pat on the head, earning a glare from the younger one. "You did good, little brother." He was talking about more than just being bandaged up, but Kusuo saving Japan. Kusuo kept his gaze locked on Kusuke in a glare but when his older brother left his gaze fell to his hands on top of his knees. He mumbled something Uber his breath before laying back down.

Another 5 minutes later

Kusuo was laying in his bed awake, still in pain from his ribs.

A few moments later, Kuniharu came in through the door, followed by Kurumi. Kusuo's father knelt down in front of his bed and tapped the pink haired boy's shoulder. "Kusuo.." he whispered. The psychic in question rolled over to face Kuniharu, sighing as he did.

Kuniharu smiled at his son, feeling overly protective of him for some reason. A fatherly thing maybe? "I'm proud of you, son." He told him softly, watching Kusuo's eyes widen ever so slightly.

Kusuo had never heard that from his father. Well, maybe once or twice, but it wasn't often. And it wasn't like he needed to hear that, frankly he didn't care, but for some reason it was just want he wanted to hear. He then watched as his mother came and knelt down beside Kuniharu. She brushed her hand through his hair with such care and gentleness it almost made him want to cry.

"You did good, Ku. We are both proud of you." She leaned in to kiss his forehead. He closed his eyes as she did so before she pulled away smiling. He in return gave a small smile. Kuniharu placed a gentle hand on Kusuo's shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze.

Although he didn't favour the sentimental, gushy looks on their faces, but for once he was enjoying the touch. His mother's hand in his hair and his father's hand on his shoulder. He felt himself drifting off into what was probably the most peaceful sleep he's had in years.

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