theres always a lighthouses

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Big sister

The sister sat and tended to the wounded splicer for a long while,  wrapping her wound and placing salve from a medpac on her burns

Y/n: is she gonna be OK?

The sister turned her helmeted head towards the child and made a sort of cooing noise, nodding her head in answer

They all rested for a long time in the dark little corner they all found themselves in, each having been through the mental and physical ordeal that was rapture

Y/n: you know,  I like here, she's nicer than the other weird people, do you think she'll still stay with us?

The sister shrugged,  the splicer girl hadn't run yet, nor had she shown any I'll will to the sister or her vulnerable ward

Y/n: I hope she dose, I like her

Under the green glowing helmet she smiled a little, she had begun to notice how quickly y/n would imprint on those around them, it was an innocent feature,  but in rapture that attitude could be dangerous,  oh how she wished she could teach them that, wished she had the voice, let alone the words to tell them how dangerous all of this was, how dangerous she was....

She shook the thought from her head and tried to imagine something else, a place they could be safe, perhaps maybe rapture in its glory days, although even thr glory days were incredibly dangerous, if they were gonna be safe then escape was the only option

???: interesting, how many time has this happened? Have you been keeping track?

???2: I'd say in a way it always happens,  although you'd have thought she'd have learned by now

???: she will learn you mean, thus one is still at the beginning,  remember what happened in the second to last variation?

???2: ah yes, the one where her and sigma visited the den?

???:persisly, she will learn, or she will die

The sisters head rose with a murderous glare, those same two red haired twins looked down at her from their standing position

???: oh look at that, she's awake

The sister wanted to screech and lunge at the two but didn't due to y/n and the splicer girl both sleeping in her lap, how had these two even found her?

???: perhaps we can teach her brother

???2: or more accurately, we can take her to someone who can teach her

???: of course that's what I meant

???2: what you will mean

???: what I am meaning

The sister stared at these two obviously bat shit crazy idiots who were teetering on a very thin line between life and death

???: so, what would you say to a vacation? Say 72 hours? That should be a sufficient amount of time

???2: are you sure that enough?

???: if she stayed there for too long she might not come back,  and she has an essential role to play here

???2: ah quite so, so madame,  would you like to take a trip of self discoverance?

The sister glanced down at her two companions finding the to begin to stir

Y/n: what's going on? Rose?

The sister tilted her head, who was rose? She knew that wasn't her name,  her name was...... what had it been oh so long ago? She found that it wouldn't return to her fractured mind

The splicer girl yawned and stretched before pulling her injured hands back towards herself

Splicer girl: ow, oh.... crap, I over did it again

Her eyes drifted up to the red headed twins confused

Splicer girl: who the hell are you two?

???: we are mearly guids offering a short respite from the tires of rapture,  a learning experience if you will

???2: yes, and a chance to get some sunlight and fresh air, especially before  the storm that is about to hit both cities

???: yes, 1959 is shaping up to be a wonderful year

Splicer girl: '59.... but I thought, well I'll be damned, I had thought it was '69. Guess time gets a little messy when your spliced

???: it is

???2: it will be

???: it has been, in one place it is...

???: and in another it is not

The splicer girl glanced Questioningly at the sister who mearly shrugged in response

The sister for the millionth time wished she could speak in a way that anyone could understand,  she wanted to sarcasticly tell these two that if they could get out of rapture then she'd be happy to oblige them, but since nobody could leave.... her thoughts were interrupted by the red headed woman smiling and saying

???: brilliant, and yes, we can get you out of rapture, brace yourselves

The sister stared wide eyed as herind had apparently been read

Splicer girl: what!?

Y/n: what's going on?

Big sister: *confused underwater screeching *

The with a blinding shock of light something happened, something familiar and foreign all at once

???: find the angel in heaven, through her you will learn

???2: you only have 72 hours,  make the most of them while they last

The sister's vision was dark for a long moment,  all until she opened her eyes and saw a blazing light surrounded by an ethereal ocean of blue

It was something she had never once seen in her life, only head of, she remembered a woman..... her face a blue but her words clear enough

Mysterious woman: there's a great burning ball of fire in the sky, it blankets all the earth in warmth and light,  its called the sun my little minnow

The sun, she was looking at the sun

(Alrighty,  bit of a disclaimer,  this version of rapture is in a completely different universe from any of the other games, I only now realized how fecked the time line is on this one, since at the beginning I combined too many elements of bioshock 1 and 2 due to my having not yet completed either game at the time and my lack of any semblanceof writing skill.

So I've decided that this is a separate tear still set in '59, so during bioshock 1, Ryan is still alive, atlas still lives, delta has died but been revived about 10 years too early (because I'm an idiot), most of the rest of the things are pretty much the same

In other news I've had a fun thought, in a civil war who would win, rapture or Columbia? This means between all the enemies and npcs (and perhaps players characters) fighting for their homes and lives,  who would win (BTW I would like to say this is with Elizabeth excluded because I don't think she'd fight for either side)

Child of rapture (bioshock big sister x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now