Fight night

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Big sister pov

The sister skidded to a stop and looked at the thing in front of her, he was taller but only by a little bit. They both starred at each other for an uncomfortable while before delta brought his drill back and tried to punch it at her. She dodged before running up to him and doing a backflip kicking him in the face as she flipped, at the same time she shot a few fireballs at him before she landed.

Delta took every hit and just turned to look at her.

She hated having to fight while she needed to get the kid to doctor tenenbaum soon.

She let out one of her high pitched screeches and dashed forward stabbing her syringe into his torso before he could hit her she darted around him slashing at the back of his legs bringing him to his knees.

He did something that seemed impossible, she grabbed him and flipped over him using her momentum to throw him across the room into the splicers that had been watching them.

The sister checked the kid and found that they were still passed the hell out in the cage on her back.

She looked at delta and thought about finishing him off but didn't, she wasn't in the mood

The sister ran extremely fast down one of the halls until she reached the doctors safe house.

Tenenbaum: what is it girl?

The sister didn't like being called that but she didn't say anything only removing the child from the cage and placed them one one of the couches in the doctors office.

Tenenbaum: let's hope they will wake soon

The sister was about to leave when the doctor stopped her

Tenenbaum: no, you stay, we might have need of you

The sister rolled her eyes under her helmet but sat on the floor behind the couch

Y/n pov

When y/n awoke they found themselves lying on an old looking couch, they slowly sat up and focused on the grey haired woman sitting across from them.

???: hello child

Y/n: w-who are you?

???: my name is Brigid tenenbaum

Y/n: their was something that saved me from....

Y/n thought back to the thing that crushed the monsters head, to the red glowing circle in the middle, toe the strangely soothing sound it made.

Tenenbaum: that would be one of the big sisters, they are usually a rather hostile bunch

A high pitch screech of annoyance sounded from behind y/n follow led by the creaking of floor boards as something moved

Tenenbaum: ok ok, except for the few who works with me

Y/n spun around to see the now standing figure looking down at the their head tilted

Tenenbaum: this one here has helped us a great deal

The thing stepped over the couch and sat down on it.

Tenenbaum saw how frightened y/n was and was about to say something but stopped when she herd something

The big sister had leaned slightly closer to y/n and made the same comforting purring noise from before

It took Tenenbaum a second to see what was happening, this big sister was bonding with the child.

Of course y/n didn't know what this was and found themselves calming slowly thanks to the purring noise.

Tenenbaum: so who are you dear?

Y/n: m-my n-name is y-y/n

( thank y'all for reading please let me know all your feedback and suggestions for the story thanks y'all bye bye 👋)

Child of rapture (bioshock big sister x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now