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Big sister

The sister ran as fast as she could away from the hideout before coming to a stop at one of tenenbams old hideouts

Perhaps the both of them could rest here

She lit a fire in her hand and used it to light her way through going to the bed and finding what looked like someone already sleeping there

She growls her pheromone monitors going from green to red as she grabbed the bed the person was on and tipped them off

What fell out of the bed was a young splicer woman in her early 20's who was almost still pretty

???: w-what's happening?
She looked up into the sisters helmet

???: oh, I'm sorry please don't hurt me! I didn't do anything wrong! I don't want any trouble! I'm sorry!

She curled up into a ball at the sisters feet

This was a new response, everyone else did one of two actions when they encountered her, either they ran, or they were crazy stupid enough to to fight her, nobody had ever cried on the floor and begged for forgiveness

She didn't feel the urge to kill this splicer, her visor even turned fronted to a curious yellowish green

She grabbed the woman by the front of her shirt and look her over, her tears looked genuine but the sister wanted to make sure she was no threat so she patted her down looking for weapons

???: hey, what the heck are you doing?! Why are you touching me?

The sister rolls her eyes, did she really think that the sister was interested in her body like that?

She found no weapons and let the girl go before going to the bed

She removed y/from the cage on her back and placed them down on the bed wrapping a blanket around them then sitting at the edge of the bed keeping guard

The splicer girl watched them silently from the other side of the room

This was one helluva day

Child of rapture (bioshock big sister x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now