All good things flow into the city

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Y/n pov 

Y/n had swam for who knows how long after the crash. They finally felt something solid under their hands and feet. Land! They looked up at the tall tower, it had two large door in the front that were slightly ajar. The child walked in unknowing of the danger that would await them.

The fond a large spherical object in the middle, and a small plack, it read " a quote from Andrew Ryan. Here there are no gods or king, only man " y/n didn't know what that meant.

The large sphere drew y/n in with its soft bench and warm interior, being only six y/ns tired body decided this would be a good place to sleep. They entered the sphere running their hand along the wall to guide them selves. They felt a pang of fear as they accidentally pressed a large button. 

The sphere seemed to activate itself. The large glass door closed behind them trapping them inside. They banged on the door trying to get it open but stopped once the sphere began to move down. Y/n started to panic. Where were they going. Why were they going down? Y/n gasped when they saw the view out the port hole, a city sprawling beneath the waves of the sea. They read the words that passed them growing more and more confused," all good things flow into the city" the words read 

Child of rapture (bioshock big sister x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now