Heads or tails

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Big sister

The sister kept on the move and was surprised at how heavy of a sleeper this spicer girl was, she had slept through the "tear", the big daddy, and the sister running around

Y/n was laying in the cage on her back wrapped in a blanket, everything was quietly the moment

She slowed her run into a walk and sighs, it was a rare occurrence that she had time to rest and wasn't in a fight or protecting the girls. Speaking of which she hoped they were alright without her, there were the daddies, the other big sisters and tenenbaum, many people were trying to protect the children

She tried to get her mind off of that as it would drive her insane if she kept thinking about it

???: heads

???2: or tails?

Her had perked up, voices and close

She searched around and saw the sources instantly

2 people stood in matching yellowish clothing, they had flaming red hair and extremely similar features, most likely twins

???: heads?

???2: or tails?

The sister looks at them very confused, either theses 2 were the bravest sons of bitches alive to confront an sister like this or the stupidest people ever for getting in her way

She lit a fireball in her hand as a warning, she sighed wishing she had more plasmids to choose from but this one was effective

She raised her arm threatening to throw the ball of fire at the two and let out a screech

???: that's rude

???2: that will have been rude

???: it has been rude

What the hell was wrong with these two? Weren't they scared?

???: so, heads
The woman held up a coin with heads showing

???2: or tails?
The man heals up one with a small picture of an eagle on it, the tails side

The sister being slightly intrigued by their lack of fear warily pointed to the heads side

The woman used her thumb to flip the coin and had her hand open to catch it but the sisters hand shot out and snatched it first, she turned it to see what she had gotten

???: heads, I win

The sister was so confused but easily got distracted when she heard the sound of a drill behind her she spun and saw the alpha series that she had fought earlier, delta

She peaked behind her to look at y/n seeing them awake with a fright and also noticing the twins had vanished, never mind them

She noticed the splicer girl had also awoken and was freaking out

The sister took her off of her shoulder and fished y/n out of the cage on her back and set them both behind her while igniting a fire ball on her hand and letting out a screechy roar

(The ones that sound like and underwater velociraptor)

And herald the fireball confident she could beat delta again

However The fire ball never even made it to delta as he raised his left hand and sent out a blast of frost extinguishing the flame

The sister growled and charged delta and swung her right leg in a wide arc at his head only to have it caught and to be flung into the wall, she barely moved her head in time to avoid the drill going through her head she slammed her fist into delta's chest forcing him back a few feet

Delta was faster, stronger and more powerful then the sister remembered

The reason for this that the sister was unaware of was that the first time they had fought delta had just barely awoken and was still recovering from his death, now was delta in his prime, a scary ass bitch


Y/n whimpered in fear as the sister lobbed a fire ball at the big monster only for a blast of cold to extinguish that flame

???: oh shit..... that's an alpha series, oh crap oh shit

The woman who the big sister had brought with them (for whatever reason) kept whispering

Y/n looked at her worried, what was an alpha series?

???: if that thing kills her, it'll kill us to, run.... we need to run!

She grabbed y/ns hand and started to drag them with her

Y/n: wait, no! What about her?! We can't leave her!

The woman looked down at y/ns red face and then at the two giants as they clashed

???: what dose she mean to you?

Y/n: e-everything

The woman sighs and let's go of y/ns hand

???: fine...shit

She fished around and pulled something out of her shirt

???: I promised I'd never do this again
Sh looked at a blue colored hypo and growled before reluctantly shoving it into her arm

???: having a big sister on your side is worth breaking my rehab I guess

She pushed the plunger down and screamed as her hands began to glow with blue light then crackle with electricity

???: stay behind me kid

She quickly removed something from her left hand and stashed it in a pocket before moving towards the fight gathering lightning in her hands

???: hey! Get down!

The sisters head snapped to look at the splicer seeing her hands and understanding instantly

She brought her helmet hard into deltas and placing her legs against his chest launching herself back while also shoving delta away into the wall

It was at this point the splicer girl let loose her electric storm that she had been gathering up, arcs of blue lightning kept from her hands and into delta

The sister watched as thousands of volts were pumped into the alpha series over the span of a few seconds before she stopped looking drained

Big Sister

The big sister was certainly impressed, that much electro bolt coming out of a splicer that big? Must have been the eighth level of the plasmid, the most intense dose anyone could handle without frying themselves

Although once the lightning stopped she figured the girl must be out of eve

She looked at delta, the mad bastard was still alive, he had survived all that but he was dazed meaning now was the time to run like hell

She turned on her heal seeing the splicer girl fall and y/n rush to her side, the sister sprinted grabbing them both and holding one in each arm as she went hugging them both close to her chest to keep them safe, y/n snuggled into her as much as they could

The sister purred as she began to slow down when they had made it far enough away to be safe, she set both the smaller people down and looked them over for damage, y/n was unhurt but the splicer girls arms were covered in nasty burns. Damnit, she had over used her plasmid, it had been more then her body could take , the damn fool

Y/n looked at her worriedly And the sister put her hand on the child's face trying to calm them as she purred

It's ok, she wanted to say, it's ok

She placed the child in her lap as she sat down against the wall hauling the splicer girl near her continuing to check her wounds

Child of rapture (bioshock big sister x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now