One two combo

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Y/n pov

The pod docked at a large and dark building, y/n looked out the window fearfully to see a man who looked to be panicking.

????: please don't hurt me 

Suddenly a figure dropped from the ceiling burying a curved blade into the mans chest and thought.

???: what do we have here? A new play thing from the surface?

The voice was female but it sounded nothing like any woman y/n had ever heard.

???: your a young one, maybe I could keep you as a pet, or I can just kill you now.

The woman started to rake her claws across the pods glass window until the glass fractured.

???: now let's have some....

She was cut off when a large shadow lept out of the darkness grabbing the woman by her head. A loud high pitched screech broke the silence followed by a loud crack as the larger figure crushed the woman's head. Y/n backed up as far as the could but the larger thing just staired at them though a red colored part of the helmet it wore. 

The thing reached out one hand to y/n, out of the helmet came a purring sound that strangely calmed y/n down a bit.

A loud yell startled y/n out of their trance, the thing took this opportunity to grab y/n putting them in a cage like structure on their back, the thing extended a long syringe off of its left arm. The thing started to run at unnatural speeds, y/n couldn't take it as a blackness overcame them as they passed out.

Big sister pov

She had found something, someone from the surface. The doctor would want to see them. Hopefully they were still alive since they were getting shot at, she couldn't bare to lose them so early. Lamb wasn't going to get this one.

The sister was so busy in her thoughts that she didn't notice the hulking figure in front of her, she slid to a stop when she saw him, he was big even for a big daddy, in his right hand a drill spun to life while lightning crackled in his left.

She just barely made out the triangular symbol on his palm.


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