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Reposting bc it deleted

At the start, Henry had liked Summer. Obviously. She was his girlfriend. So he had to like her. Right? According to Noah, this was the problem. "She should be your girlfriend because you like her. You shouldn't like her because she's your girlfriend." But liking Summer wasn't the problem. Liking Amy was.

He had thought he was over Amy. She had broken his heart when she went to prom with Ty. And Summer had fixed it. Summer had made him feel happy again. He thought seeing Amy at regionals would bring back all his old feelings for her. But it didn't. Sure, it was bittersweet. But he had moved on. He had Summer. And he was happy about that. Amy was his friend. Summer was his girlfriend. Simple as that.

But then Amy came back to the studio. And he thought it would be awkward, because he was dating Summer. And it was for a while. But he and Amy went back to being just friends so quickly, almost like their moment had never happened. And it was better that way because he liked Summer.

He didn't know when he started liking Amy again, only that he had. And he was still pretty sure he liked Summer. Sometimes, he and Summer would be on a date and a tiny part of him would wish he was on a date with Amy instead. And he hated that part of himself. But it was still there.

When he and Summer fell apart, he knew that part of it was because he liked Amy. In the weeks following his breakup he missed Summer. He really did. It was painful, being so close to her everyday but not being able to be with her. But it wasn't as painful as seeing Amy and Finn together. At first, he tried to dismiss it as being jealous of Amy, because she was taking one of his best friend away from him (she wasn't the first girl to do that). But deep down, he knew he was feeling this pain because he wanted to be the one dating Amy. He wanted to be the one taking her on dates and kissing her goodbye and making her laugh, and just being with her all the time.

But he wasn't. And even if Amy was single, it wouldn't be that simple. Because Henry knew he still wasn't over Summer. Even though he had never been over Amy. He missed Summer so much. But he missed Amy more.

He didn't know why he kept acting like he had to choose between them. Like he had a choice between being with Summer and being with Amy. Because neither of them were an option anymore.

anyways we're #3 in hummer which is amazing 🤩 


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