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Today was the day. I didn’t know if I should call it Doomsday or The Beginning. Doomsday seemed appropriate since I was scared to death about going on television and I could doom myself to humiliation. Public speaking was never one of my strengths. The Beginning also could apply since this interview is just the start of our small, unconventional family.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts.

“Come in.” I said knowing that it could only be Niall. Sure enough he walked into the room holding a now month old Cale. Two days ago, we had celebrated his first month by watching cartoons on the couch. Exciting, we know.

“Are you for real?” Niall asked amused.

“What?” I said offended.

“You’re sitting on the floor of your closet freaking out.” He stated and came to take a seat next to me. I took the baby out of his arms and hugged Cale close to my body.

“I’m nervous alright? And I don’t know what to wear.” I mumbled.

“Emily, you do realize we have a stylist right? You get to wear what she picks out.” I was partly relieved that my clothing wasn’t going to be another thing I had to worry about. “And everyone gets nervous before an interview. I’ll be doing most of the talking though, so don’t freak out about that. Just follow my lead and you’ll be okay. As the penguins from Madagascar say, ‘Just smile and wave’ yeah?” Niall tries to assure me. I smile and nod at him, feeling slightly better about the interview although I was still scared about the aftermath.

I was finally going to be revealed to the fans. The mystery of Niall Horan’s baby mama solved. My biggest concern was the fans hating Cale and potentially me. They had been posting nonstop questions to Niall’s Twitter, which he studiously ignored. None of the posts he had made mentioned me at all but a few did talk of Cale and his growth.

Niall stood and extended his hand towards me.

“Time to go.” He said and hauled me to my feet. We made our way to the living room and I tucked Cale into his carrier. Niall grabbed Cale’s diaper bag and we set off towards the studio. The whole ride was spent in silence, each of us in our own thoughts though Niall did comfortingly hold my hand the whole way. We made it through security and were inside the unfamiliar building. I was being circled by Niall’s stylist and felt extremely self-conscious.

“Go try this on.” She commanded and thrust a handful of clothes at me. I did as she said and scurried to the bathroom. After trying on the designer clothing, I emerged, not wanting to look in the mirror. “Perfect.” She said as soon as I stepped out. I looked into a full-length mirror and realized that I did look good. My hair was pulled into a casual side ponytail and my makeup was light and natural. I was wearing a pair of form fitting skinny jeans, a purple sparkly tank top and a black blazer.

“Can I come in?” A voice called through the closed door to the dressing room.

“Yeah.” I yelled back to Niall. It was much like a repeat from this morning. He opened the door and revealed himself and Cale. He was also dressed in jeans but he wore a grey sweater over a white polo. Cale had on baby jeans and a white jumper. I didn’t understand why they had us dressed in sweaters and jeans as it was the middle of summer but maybe jumpers make us look more parent like?

“You look great.” Niall complimented as the stylist slipped out the door and shut it behind her.

“Uh thanks, so do you.” It was weird being complimented by Niall, as it was the first time it had happened. “Does he need to be fed or anything?” I indicated towards Cale, changing the subject.

“Nah, I just fed him before I came over. He should be alright.” As Niall finished saying this there was another knock on the door. Instead of waiting for an answer, the person just walked on in.

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