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Three days after Niall's return we had settled back into our normal routine. Kind of. I had went back to sleeping in my own bed but the absence of Niall's warmth kept me awake. His affectionate touches had lessened also although they still came often just more tentatively. I missed the way things used to be. I liked the way they had been those final two months before tour. Not just because I liked sharing a bed with Niall, but because physical affection brought us closer as a family. And ultimately family and Cale were the most important things to us.

Speaking of Cale his birthday was in four days and mine, coincidentally, was in one. I wasn't ready to be twenty. Although I felt years past it I wasn't ready to accept the fact that a year had passed. I had grown so much in the last year and so much had changed. The anniversary of Cale's parents death was right in the middle of the celebrations.

"Do you think he'll start to dread his birthday when he's older?" Niall asked as he sat Cale down in his high chair.

"Why do you think that'll happen?" I asked Niall as I finished cutting up bananas and strawberries for Cale. I set the fruit on the high chair tray while Niall answered.

"Well it's the same time as his parents death." Niall said as he loaded dishes, mostly sippy cups, into the dishwasher.

I pondered what he'd said before responding, "I think that's a conversation for a different and slower day."

"Good point. I've got to leave now, I'll be late if I don't. Shouldn't take too long." Niall slipped on a pair of Supras and kissed Cale on the head, then me.

Bet you wish it was your mouth he'd kissed.

I shook my head trying to clear away the annoying thoughts that had been bothering me for days now.

"Love you guys." He said before he grabbed his keys and left for the airport. His parents were flying in today and would stay for about a week. Tomorrow my mum and the guys  would all come over to celebrate my birthday. It would be a small affair with cake and fun conversation. During the day I was to go shopping and to the spa with Danielle and Perrie. We'd planned Cale's birthday to be a much bigger event.

"Let's get you cleaned up before Grandma and Grandpa get here yeah little guy?" I told Cale who was smiling and chattering with banana and strawberries smeared on his hands and chin.


I heard whispering and the rustle of clothing before I felt a weight on the bed to my left. I opened my eyes and saw Cale sitting on the pillow next to me smiling. "Hello there. How did you get here little guy?" I asked though I knew the answer.

"Daddy brought you didn't he Cale?" Niall inquired.

"Dada!" Cale cried. I laughed and sat up, pulling the baby onto my lap as I did so.

Niall sat down next to us and wrapped an arm around my waist. It was then when I noticed my choice of attire.

"Niall leave!"

"What? What's wrong?"

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